Chapter 10

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Barely an hour later, Kennedy unlocked the door to her apartment, dropped her backpack in front of the hall closet, and faceplanted onto the couch.

"Tough day in the math mines, darling?" called Chandra from the kitchen.

"So. Much. Incense. I'm never going to be able to wear these clothes again. I'd burn them, but then I'd have to smell incense smoke all over again."

"Get off the couch, then! I'm making tea. Fancy a cup?"

"The blandest stuff you can find. And some Tylenol, if we've got any," Kennedy called, unable to bring herself to leave the couch now that she was down, odor transfer be damned.

A few moments later, Chandra settled onto the couch in front of Kennedy's nose. Kennedy looked up and saw two mugs and a bottle of pills on the coffee table.

"You're a lifesaver. Thanks, Chandra."

"No problem. You look like you need it. And, wow, you do smell."

With some difficulty, Kennedy gulped a couple headache tablets with her hot tea, which was so bland it was nearly tasteless.

"What is this?" Kennedy asked.

"White tea. I hope you appreciate it. It's the most expensive stuff in my stash."

"Really? It tastes like hot water that walked past a tea bag."

Chandra gave Kennedy a withering look. "Philistine."

As mild as it was, the tea helped wash the lingering taste of incense out of Kennedy's mouth.

"I'm going to go change my clothes. Have the lighter fluid ready when I get back, would you?"

Chandra started to laughingly protest, but Kennedy was already in her room before the end of the sentence. Kennedy not only stripped to the skin but, sniffing at the end of her ponytail, decided to shower as well.

She was just emerging from her bedroom, clean and fresh in new clothes, when she heard Chandra say, "Well, hello," in a tone Kennedy had only heard her use when discussing her favorite male movie stars and the odd player on the school hockey team.

Kennedy stood in the short hallway and peeked around the corner into the living room. Her heart thumped in her chest. Charlie stood in her doorway and was currently charming the heck out of Chandra, who was beaming sickeningly at him. Kennedy was surprised by the tang of jealousy in her mouth. She didn't like the taste. Charlie wasn't hers to control any more than she was his, and Chandra wouldn't make a move on a guy that Kennedy had a recent history with even if she was single. Still, it wouldn't hurt to remind her.

"Hey, Chandra. Is that Ricky at the door?" Kennedy called as she walked into the room.

Chandra wrapped a finger around a strand of long, black hair. "Who?"

"Ricky. Thursday is date night, isn't it?"

Chandra gasped. "Yes!" She turned back to the door. "It was very nice to meet you, Charlie," she said, before sauntering to her bedroom to get ready for her date.

"Hey, buttercup," Charlie said to Kennedy once they were alone in the room.

"Buttercup?" Kennedy shook her head.

"No? With your hair, and all?"

"Too pastoral. Makes me sound like a jersey cow."

"Duly noted. Sorry to drop in, but I wanted to talk to you in person. Can I come in for a minute?"

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