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(Accidentally unpublished this part so republishing it.)

"Y-You can't just leave us like this!"

"I can and I will! I'm done with you, I'm leaving you, and I'm taking Matthieu with me!"

"You can't take Matthew! What about Alfred?!"

"I don't care what you do with him! This ones mine!"

"Francis p-please!"

Francis, not listening to his "partner", reached down to pry the young Matthew away from the arms of his twin.

"Mattie!?" Alfred cried out in confusion as his brother suddenly was wrenched out of his arms.

"Papa! I don't want to go! Please! I want Alfie!"

"Shhh, don't worry about him anymore," Francis murmured to the three-year old in his arms, "Now come on."

"Alfie!" Matthew cried out to his brother again.

Francis began walking out the door with the crying child, but his armed was grabbed by the other man.

"Please...don't do this," Arthur begged quietly.

Francis looked at him coldly, "I'm sorry, but I have to."

He walked out the door, before he shut it, he muttered one last thing.

"Au revoir, mon vieil ami."

With that, he shut the door.

Arthur just sat there on his knees. He felt a tug at his side.

"Dada? When are Papa and Mattie coming back?" asked Alfred, who was crying.

Arthur burst into tears and hugged the young boy tightly.

"They're never coming back."


Alfred awoke in a cold sweat, he could feel tears flowing down his cheeks.

Why am I crying? He thought to himself, Must of been some crazy dream. Wonder what it was about.

He stayed awake for a few minutes, trying to recall his dream, but ended up not being able to remember anything besides a voice crying out "Alfie."

Alfred shrugged and fell back asleep.


I know this was short, but it was only the prologue. The chapters will be longer.

Also the idea for this fanfiction just popped into my head and I have no idea how often I'll be updating this.

Yeah the characters are more than likely going to be a bit OOC throughout the story, sorry about that.

Also Alfred's last name is Kirkland instead of Jones, and Matthew's is Bonnefoy instead of Williams.

So with that, hope you enjoy my first Hetalia fanfiction!


Au revoir, mon vieil ami - Goodbye, old friend (according to Google Translate)


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