Chapter Seven

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Matthew stood by the school parking lot, watching cars pull up as parent's picked up their children as he waited for his papa to arrive.

"Hey Mattie! Dude!"

Matthew turned to see Alfred running up to him.

"Alfred? I thought you left."

Alfred laughed, "Yeah, but I just got the coolest idea ever!"

Matthew looked at him in confusion, "What idea?"

"Someday we should totally prank our parents!" Alfred exclaimed.

Matthew raised an eyebrow, "Prank our parents?"

Alfred nodded in excitement, "Yeah! You know how we look alike? Well we could totally do something to mess with them! It would be absolutely hilarious!"

"Mess with them how?"

Alfred shrugged, "I still have to think of a good prank that won't get me in trouble and isn't lame as hell. So how about it? Wanna do it?"

"Um..." Matthew hesitated. Does he want to do this? He'd never pulled a prank before, and he never even dreamed of pulling one on his papa. But it could be fun, like Alfred said, "Well as long as no one gets hurt..."

"Well of course not! I don't want to get in trouble!" Alfred said, "So that's a yes?"

Matthew hesitated again before nodding.

Alfred pumped his fist in the air, "Alright! Now all you've got to do is not tell your dad about me."

"Wait, why?"

"Well it would ruin it duh! So if your dad asks about friends just talk about Kiku or Gilbert or someone. Just not me, even though I'm sure you really want to talk about me, because I'm awesome to talk about!" Alfred flashed a big goofy grin as Matthew rolled his eyes.

"Alright fine," said Matthew.

"Okay! I'd best be going before your dad pulls up and ruins the prank."

"Alright Alfred, see you tomorrow, it was nice meeting you."

"Yeah, I bet it is nice meeting me," Alfred joked. Matthew punched him playfully in the arm. "Okay okay, nice meeting you too. Bye!"

Matthew watched Alfred run off. He smiled, throughout the day he learned that Alfred was pretty annoying and obnoxious, but he was still a cool person to talk to.

A car suddenly pulled up in front of him. Matthew immediately recognized it as Francis's, so he opened the passenger door and sat down in the seat.

"Good afternoon Mathieu, how was your first day of school?" his papa asked.

Matthew smiled as he buckled his seatbelt, "It was great papa."

"Really? I'm glad to hear it! Did you make any friends?" Francis replied as he started to drive out of the school lot.

Matthew grinned again, "Actually, yes."

Francis beamed, "See? I told you you'd make some friends! There was no need to be so worried."

Matthew laughed softly, "Yeah..."


"Yes papa?"

"You do like it here don't you?"

Matthew looked up at the sudden question. " Why?"

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