Chapter Eight

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He agreed! This is going to be the best prank ever!

Alfred grinned to himself as he began to leave he school premises to walk home, since he only lived a few blocks away. He was excited to get home so he could plan the prank. It's gonna be so awesome!

All the way home he thought about it, and tried to come up with a plan. But nothing came up that he thought was the best. He wanted to be the biggest prank he'd ever pulled.

Not that he had pulled many pranks, especially not on his father. But Alfred didn't really care about that too much.

He finally got to his house and walked inside, calling out that he was home. As he reached the living room, he saw Arthur pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself.

"Um, dad?"

Arthur jumped, "Oh Alfred! I didn't hear you come home. How was the first day of school?"

Alfred shrugged, "It was alright. But are you okay?"

"What me?" Arthur replied, "Yes yes, I'm perfectly fine, why do you ask?"

"Erm, no reason," Alfred lied, before turning around and heading to his room.

"Hey Alfred could you do me a quick favor?" Alfred stopped and turned back around to show he was listening. Arthur continued, "I'm going to go for a quick walk, since you're passing my room do you mind grabbing my jacket from my closet?"

"Fine," Alfred groaned as he began heading to Arthur's room after throwing his bookbag in his room.

He went inside and quickly grabbed the jacket he was looking for and started to head back out when he noticed something sitting on Arthur's desk. Curiosity got the better of him so he went to look.

It was a photograph of two men. Alfred immediately recognized one as a younger Arthur. He didn't recognize the other. They both looked happy in the photo.

Alfred picked up the photo to examine it closer. Arthur really did look genuinely happy, which Alfred had found was rare. Arthur hardly ever showed his real emotions, even around Alfred. Alfred was always curious as to why, but decided to not question Arthur about it.

His attention turned to the other man, he had long blonde hair and blue eyes. His arm was around Arthur, and like Arthur had a huge smile on his face. Alfred had a feeling he had seen this man before, but he couldn't remember where or when.

"Alfred? What are you doing?"

Alfred jumped as Arthur appeared in the doorway. The photo fell out if his hand onto the floor.

"Oh! Sorry," he mumbled as he picked it up and put it back on the desk, "Um,here's your jacket."

He handed the jacket to Arthur.

"Thank you Alfred," Arthur said quietly as he took it.

Alfred looked back at the photo, "Who is that in the picture?"

Arthur was silent for a moment.

"No one of importance," he answered coldly.

"But you look so..." Alfred began, but decided to drop it.

"He used to be important to me," continued Arthur, more to himself than to Alfred, "Until he decided toy with me. To take my heart and shred it to pieces right in front of me. I haven't seen him in years and I never want to see his sorry face ever again."

"Did I know him?" Alfred asked before he could stop himself.

Another period of silence.

"No. You have never had any connections with this man," Arthur explained, "Don't think about him anymore Alfred, it doesn't matter."

With that, Arthur grabbed the photograph and left the room. Alfred decided to follow him out to the door.

Before he left, Arthur stared at the photograph for a minute, before crumpling it and throwing it in the trash. He then walked out the front door.

After a moment, Alfred walked over to the trash can and pulled he photo out. He didn't know exactly why, but he wanted to keep it.

He knew Arthur was lying to him when he answered his questions. He really wanted to find out the truth, but he knew Arthur would never tell him, even if he begged.

The photo was the only lead he had. Or was it?


I'd like to apologize for the long wait for this chapter. I had to rewrite the whole thing because I didn't like my first idea for this chapter that I had almost completely written.

Also thank you for all the reads, votes, and nice comments. It makes me happy that people actually enjoy my mediocre writing skills.

Also question, would you guys like it if I wrote a prequel/side story to this fanfiction telling the story behind Arthur and Francis? Because I'm not planning on really going too deep into their backstory in this fanfiction and I think their story could make a good fanfiction by itself. Tell me what you guys think!

Well I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, I'll try to get the next one out soon, but no promises. Kinda sad to say, but this fanfiction will soon come to an end. I only have three, maybe four, chapters planned for it left.

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