Chapter One

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Alfred bolted downstairs from his bedroom.

"Hey dad!" he greeted his father, who was in the kitchen.

"Good morning Alfred," Arthur greeted with a smile, "Would you like me to make you some breakfast?"

"Eh, no thanks," Alfred replied, his father wasn't the best at cooking. Instead he grabbed a Pop-Tart and began eating it.

Arthur sighed and crossed his arms, "Those things aren't very healthy you know."

Alfred shrugged, "Whatever."

"Excited for school?"

"As if, school is the worst," Alfred groaned, "I wish summer could last forever. Can't believe there's only a couple days left."

Arthur smiled and ruffled his son's blond hair, "Well maybe this year you'll make some new friends."

Alfred laughed softly, "I already have friends dad."

"Nothing wrong with having more. When I was your age-"

"You had very few friends and wanted more, yeah dad I get it," Alfred rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me young man," Arthur scolded.

"Whatever," Alfred replied as he finished his Pop-Tart and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Who're you calling?" Arthur asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just texting Gilbert and Mathias and seeing if they want to hang out or something."

Arthur watched as Alfred sat on the couch. He sat beside him.

"Are you alright? It looks like something's bothering you."

"What? No I'm fine dad, really."

"I can see it in your face Alfred, what's wrong?"

Alfred shook his head, "Nothing. Just had a dream or something."


Alfred scrunched his forehead, thinking, "I can't remember most of it. I just remember someone yelling my name sounding really upset. I don't recognize who it was, but whoever it was called me 'Alfie'. Would you know anything about it?"

Arthur was silent for a moment, "No, sorry I don't believe I do."

They sat on the couch for a moment in silence.

"Hey dad? Can I go to Gilbert's house? He says he's got a new video game that he wants me to play with him."

"Go on ahead. Do you need a ride?"

"Nah, I'll just ride my bike over there. Thanks dad!"

Arthur smiled and ruffled Alfred's hair again.

"Dad stop that I'm not a kid anymore," Alfred said, although he was smiling as well.

"Have fun! Be back at six! And if you decide to go somewhere else with your friends then make sure to call me first!" Arthur called out as Alfred dashed towards the door.

"Got it!" Alfred replied before shutting the door.

Arthur sighed as his son left. Memories of that night flooded back to him. I hate lieing to the fellow, but he's better off not knowing about his brother...


Alfred bounded up the front door and quickly rang the doorbell. After a few moments the door opened, revealing a rather tall and buff teen.

"Hey Ludwig dude!" Alfred greeted his friends younger brother.

"Alfred," Ludwig said simply.


Cancelled - Who Are You? (A Hetalia Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora