Chapter Two GO AWAY!

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As I walked to detention I was praying to god that my mom wouldn't find out about this because I never get in trouble and I do not want to come home to an angry mother, thank you very much. As I finally made it to the cafe, where they always host detention after school, like come you gotta be kidding me. I don't want to do homework at school! there is a reason why it's called homework.  When I got to the cafe I notice there were some other people which were our star football player Nash, and Marta who is one of my really cool friends.I went over to sit beside her. When I sat down I saw her get up.

"Why are you leaving? I thought you had detention to."

"No sorry I don't I was just waiting for my mom to get here, that's all and she just texted me saying she's here."

"Ugh Marta why do you do this? Your abandoning me." I whined hoping this would make her stay.

"I'm really sorry Jenny but I don't want to be in detention doing homework where I can do at home, there's a reason they call it homework. Now Jenny I gotta go."

"Okay FINE." I shouted, "But I'm gonna be mad at you and i'm not gonna for give you ever."

"Sure." Marta shouted sarcastically knowing i'm not the best at ignoring people except James. When it came to him I was an expert. As Marta left I noticed there's only me, Nash and the teacher who's watching. As I stayed at my table I felt something hit my head.

" What the heck?" I said as I picked up the thing that hit my head. It was a piece of paper, hmm... interesting so I deiced to read it. It read "The detention teacher is gonna leave soon he doesn't stay long. P.S.I don't have any std's I get regular heath checkup's. -James :)"

I just froze looking at the note. "What the hell?" I thought. I mean I knew he was creepy but I didn't think he was this creepy, I was expecting him do something ten times worse for revenge but I guess this isn't that bad,wait but this wouldn't even be consider revenge anyways it's just a note a rather obnoxious note written by an obnoxious boy.  

Then for some reason I decided to say out loud, "Yeah right." Then suddenly I felt someone breathing down my neck. It was really creepy.

Then someone whispered in my ear, "You know it's rude to stare at someone and I don't have std's like I said before."

Then I screamed just like any one would do but, before I had the chance to scream his hand came over my mouth.Then I scratched his hand out of the way. "Stop touching me! I do not want your std's." I screamed.

When I turned around James looked really angry. "For the last time I do not have std's I get regular heath checks!"

"You know that says something if you have to get regular health checks." I said with a smirk.Then Nash came over to see if everything's okay, god bless his soul he respects people. I was about to say everything's fine but then a great idea came into my head.

"Oh everything's good we're just talking about his std's status right now wanna join?" I said with a smirk on my face while James looked like he wanted to murder me 'oh my god this is to good to be true.' I thought.

"No thanks another time Jen on a different topic."

James deserves this he abandoned me so this is me getting us even.

 "I'm going to go and leave early." Nash claimed 

"But I thought we all had to stay."

"You know Jen, the teacher always leaves early and claims  we're not worth the time."

"Oh okay bye then."

"Bye see you later Jen."

"Okay." I said with a smile. Nash left the room.

"Jen seriously?!" James nearly screamed.

"Yeah and why do you care and why are you even talking to me? Actually never mind I don't care I don't talk to jerks and perv's like you so go away and don't talk to me and don't call me Jen only my friends get to call me that."

"I am not a jerk or a perv!" He said acting all offended. 

"And also I am a friend" He claimed.   

"Sure James what ever helps you sleep at night, so now leave me alone! And don't talk to me. Lets go back to the way things were before we acted like we didn't know each other okay? and wait friend? FRIEND OH HELL NO" I shouted.

"No were not going back to ignoring each other and we are friends or we were at least ." James says with a hint of sad note in his tone of voice.

"No? You mean yes."

"No no means no. And yes, means yes!" He shouted



"Ugh YES!"

"Nope." He stubbornly concluded.

"Leave me alone and GO AWAY!"


"Seriously James, for over three years you left me alone, why now?"

"I mean it shouldn't be to hard. Jenny I..... um... I...." James kept stumbling and that was getting me impatient.

"Don't James just don't. Save your breath,I don't wanna hear it." I said angrily and stormed out and "I'm leaving now!" I shouted behind me, "And don't talk to me ever again! I don't talk to perv's,jerks,and players like you." And then I ran to my car, while tears began to well up in my eyes; and the painful memories followed.

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