Chapter Six: Set Up

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Umm.. I didn't really like this chapter.. Kind of long. I just wanted to end Johnny and Charlie right away instead of playing out a whole love scene thingy-a-bob. Tell me your thoughts! 

 *Charlie POV*

Johnny leads me inside his grand mansion and I am becoming increasingly nervous. My legs tremble ever so slightly and my blood runs cold through my veins. He doesn’t notice my nervousness and for that, I’m glad. I feel trapped in his expensive clothes he had bought for me earlier today, like they’re chains rather than clothing. My emotions clash against each other, locked in a vicious battle, I’m unsure what to feel for him. Part of me believes he’s that man he was yesterday, sweet, caring, funny, handsome; although he is not that man today. I foolishly try to convince myself he’s nervous but I know it’s wrong. I should be grateful for these clothes, but he had picked them out. Healmost demanded me to wear this and chose it for me.

Walking through the double glass doors, I look inside his home and I’m not surprised by the decorations. His mansion is just as beautiful, and jail-like, on the inside like it is on the outside. All of his windows, I notice, seem to be made of reinforced glass with metal frames painted silver. They’re covered by elegant dark grey curtains with a white, lace-like, pattern on the cloth, they allow no light to shine through. The only light here came from many wall lanterns and a huge crystal chandler hanging from the center of the ceiling, brightly lit with what seems to be hundreds of candles.

The floor is made up of elegant dark grey marble squares that are laid out in an orderly fashion throughout the house and down many hallways. Even the curved grand staircase is made up of the same marble and had iron railings. Surprisingly, the walls are painted a light teal color with white moldings which are carved with beautiful and unique details. It is a shocking contrast against the dark floors, almost like a balance of light and dark. 

His foyer was truly designed to overwhelm the guest, displaying his immense wealth. It’s beautiful although, I am not impressed. Every detail of his home is of the finest materials and made for looks, only. There is no trace of comfort here, only of the snooty society of the upperclass that I will never fit in. He has a statue of what seems to be a swan sitting on top of a black side table. Large unique paintings are on almost every wall. One large painting is of his own home is placed in the center wall. I roll my eyes and look elsewhere, and a strange painting catches my eye. 

It’s of a young mermaid, with eyes so green and real looking, it seems as if she will come alive and burst through the painting! The eyes to seem to hold sadness and if it were not for the water, her eyes would have been holding fresh tears. Her vibrant red hair is long and flowing freely in the water that surrounds her. The mermaid’s tail matches her red hair, expect her tips of her tail are bright orange. She is pale skinned, with a round face and a tiny, tiny waist. Her arms are long and skinny and she holds what seems to be a blue crystal neckalce. In her other hand I see she has a child, a newborn baby with the same fiery red hair. Although the baby doesn’t have a tail; it’s a human baby. I turn and look at Johnny wondering where he had gotten this painting and see he is arguing quietly with a young maid.

She is small with a plump face and couldn’t have been older than fifteen years old. Her blonde hair is pushed back into a neat, braided bun and she seems to be scared of Johnny. She keeps her head bowed down, not wanting to meet his cold eyes. He’s scowling and his fists are clenched in frustration but he notices I’m looking over at them and he quickly smiles at me. The maid looks up too, meeting my eyes which seem to be a reflection of my own emotions. A nervousness and a desire to leave are showing through her dark brown eyes. She then is sent on her way down a long hallway and disappears quickly. After, Johnny strides over to me and looks up at the mermaid painting too. 

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