Chapter 2 : Directions

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Hey, guys! What's up? Long time, no see, huh? Here's a little update! School's going well... ish.... and I wrote about.... four(?) more chapters. I've posted more chapters on, so I'm trying to catch up. Some are still in the 'editing' phase, though, so I'm just posting what I've got for now! As for the Ouran dress, (it wasn't ready in time. :*( But she said she got it done in time for a local con this summer!) I was kinda (read: extremely) upset but oh well. At least the measurements weren't too off almost eight months later, it still fit more or less.

So, like I said in the last chapter, please bear through with me regarding my characters' crazyness. Again, I don't intend on them being this of-the-wall the whole story, but this chapter is leading it up to the next chapter where it starts to get pretty strong. There's an actual reason why they act like this, and I plan on actually having a plot point that touches on this later in the story, so please forgive me. Oh, by the way, if any of you catch any spelling or grammar errors, let me know, 'kay? It makes me go insane when I catch one after posting the chapter without noticing, the longer it took me to realize the worse it gets. And, as always, I hope you have a good day, read and review, and most importantly - Enjoy!

Slowly my senses came to me. My muscles were braced, but there seemed to be no source of immediate danger. Carefully opening one eye, my vision was filled with light. I opened my other eye and blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted. Looking around I saw the sky, plants, and..... a figure laying on top of me.

"Hey, genius." I say, poking Brooke's face, "Get off of me, would you? I'm not going to let you lie there all day."

Brooke grumbled a bit before she opened her eyes, slowly lifting herself off of me. "Hey, Mel? ...Where are we?"

I adapt a very serious face as I look her in the eye and speak in a deep voice. "I believe, it is called... Earth."

Brooke facepalms and takes a deep breath. "I'm not going to even dignify that with a response."

"Fine!" I huff, crossing my arms as I stood up, turning my head in the other direction. "It looks like we're in a rose maze. It's sort of like a hedge maze, but they used rose bushes."

"Thank you." Brooke says exasperatedly, "Now I think we're getting somewhere."

Brooke takes a look around before turning to me. "So, how do you think we're going to get out of here?"

I abandoned my 'offended' pose to look at her with wide eyes and a pout. "No fair! You didn't say I'd have to think!"

"Come on." Brooke sighs, grabbing my wrist and heading in a random direction. "It's obvious you're going to be no help here."

I pouted some more, being quiet for a few minutes before speaking up. "I guess the easiest question is 'Where are we?'. Once we get out of this rose maze we'll probably be able to find a person or a building that would help us figure that out. After that we can figure out how we got here, and how we're going to get back home. Although that reminds me, I have a science test tomorrow I still need to study for...."

A few seconds later we were freed from the rose maze's confusing clutches - I'm so glad I wasn't the one trying to navigate the thing. I'm completely useless when it comes to directions. Five times out of ten I end up making things even worse than when I started - and were spat out behind a large building next to a small fountain-like pond. It was surrounded by concrete on the ground, and the large building was almost pink-like in color.

"Huh," I said, stopping where I was. "This place kind of reminds me of the fountain at Ouran."

Brooke stops, turning to look at me with a skeptical face. "You don't think....."

"No." I replied, shaking my head. "There's no way.... There's no way we could possibly... Right?"

Brooke turns around to get another look at the scene, trying not to look too closely to the rather obscene cherub made to look like it was peeing the fountain.

"I mean, there's no possible way that we could actually end up at Ouran, right?"

"I don't know..." Brooke says, facing me with a hand on her chin. "It looks really close. How else would you explain ending up in a place that looks exactly like something in an anime? You and I have watched the show enough to have this place memorized by now."

"Hm...." I think, taking another quick sweep of the area with my eyes. "So, let's just say, I hypothetically, we ended up at Ouran. Then what?"

Brooke gave me a blank look before replying bluntly. "Then I'd tell you that I have no idea what 'hypothetically' means."

I sigh in exasperation, now my turn to acquaint my palm with my forehead. "Theoretically."

"What?" Brooke says, narrowing her eyes and turning her head to the side in confusion.

"If we were to pretend that it were true. If, in some random weird universe, we were somehow sent into the anime series Ouran High School Host Club, then what do we do about it?"

"Oh!" Brooke exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she smiled in understanding. "Well, I guess that the only way to know for sure would be to check the third music room. If we're right, then at least we have someone we can ask for help. If we're wrong, then we're no more lost than we were before..... I hope."

"Great idea!" I declared, "Then, to the South building!"

I pointed my arm in the air dramatically, before charging off in an exaggerated manner.

"South is this way, Mel!" Brooke said, pointing to the opposite direction of the one I was heading.

"To the South building!" I repeated, this time going in the direction Brooke had pointed out.

Brooke facepalmed. "Oh, Mel....."

Five wrong turns and forty minutes later, we finally arrived at what we assumed was the south building.

"This stupid place should come with a map or something...." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yeah," Brooke chimed, "It doesn't matter how many times we've watched the anime if they don't show you how to get from one point to another."

A few seconds later we came across a very familiar looking staircase.

"Aha! Look, we're going the right way! Now we just need to go upstairs and reach the end of the north hallway!" I exclaimed, rushing up the plush red-carpeted staircase.

"Mel, North is the other way!" Brooke called from behind, rushing after me. I quickly turned around not saying a word, and headed down the 'north' hallway. Whether or not Brooke was right about her directions remained to be seen.

Soon I could see a set of light pink double doors in the distance. The doors and the surrounding doorframe were infused with trims of gold in an amazingly stunning yet familiar pattern.

"Brooke, look! The doors!" I exclaimed, turning around to see her not too far behind.

"Alright," she said, once again taking her turn at being 'the smart one'. "Let's check it out first before we just start barging in. If we're right we're going to have a hard time explaining why we came running into their host club."

I crossed my arms in mock defiance, giving a huff and a sarcastic "Fine." as I smiled and approached the door.

Anyone else think this chapter was overly short? But the word count says it wasn't..... Hmm...

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