Chapter 1 : Origins

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Hey, guys! What's up? How have you guys been? I know I haven't been posting a lot lately and I'm sorry about that. You know, the usual excuses; work, friends, sudden social lives once school starts, and school starting. In other words, shiz got serious. Speaking of serious, one of my relatives told me they might be able to make me an ACCURATE Ouran Academy High School female uniform in time for Halloween! I'm so excited! I just need to figure out how to work the petticoats... Ah well.

Anywhoo, here's some important stuff about this story. I know there's a lot (insert: a billion and one) of stories for Ouran where this random girl comes seemingly out of no-where, gets completely mixed up with the Host Club in this completely improbable (and usually implausible, much to my despair) way, act completely off-the-wall ridiculous ALL THE TIME, has a secret 'dark side' to them that they try their hardest to hide yet it seemingly always comes out around the hosts (in the less well written stories it's quite sooner, and usually with little or no build up or reason), and inevitably falls in love with one of the five single hosts (Hey, who's going to through all the work of an OC fic and mess up the one established pairing when there's already so many more guys than girls? Although, I admit, not all of them go to one of those five mainly love-interest-less characters - and not of them all have female OCs, either) only for them to find their way back to their dimension/save the world/get married (if they're from the same universe). So yeah, 90% of all the Ouran fics I've read pretty much apply there. I just want you guys to know, while the basic plot is the same (introduce OC, integrate it, usually add complicated love interest, then resolution) I'm not trying to make this the same. Although it is kind of hard to be different when being different is the new mainstream. (So what's the new 'different'? Someone normal?)

Main point I'm trying to make in that last rambling paragraph? Don't freak out because in the first few chapters my OCs act all out-there-crazy like EVERY OTHER OC ON EARTH. I'm going to have them calm down to where craziness is an occasional occurrence, not the constant norm. So, for now, have a good day and I hope you like the story. Enjoy!

Oh, and I almost forgot to add : This story is a self-insert of me and my friend Brooke. The whole story is dedicated to Brooklyn, because without her I'd probably have had fewer concussions.

Disclaimer : I do not own Ouran High School Host Club.


“Bonzai!!!” my friend Brooke yells as she jumps haphazardly onto the couch, spilling some popcorn from the bowl clutched tightly in her hands.

“You know you’re cleaning that up, right?” I say, as I sit down on the other side of the couch, carefully avoiding the stray kernels. Brooke turns her head and sticks her tongue out at me, keeping eye contact as she slowly picked up a piece of popcorn and put it in her mouth.

I roll my eyes and turn towards the TV, grabbing the remote from the arm rest. “So, which episode do you want to watch this time?”

In case you’re wondering, let me tell you a bit about ourselves. My friend Brooklyn and I have been friends for a couple years. At first she had moved across the street from me, and I didn’t know her very well. But then one day, I invited her to watch anime with me - I had never watched an anime before, and neither had she. We have been friends ever since.

What was that anime? Why, it was none other than Ouran High School Host Club, of course! Since then we’ve hung out almost every day, and most of the time we end up watching or discussing anime in one way or another, but our favorite has always been Ouran. Although the anime only lasted one season - a fact of which made us both very sad - we have watched the whole season too many times to count. On the days that we didn’t hang out, I would write fanfiction or do some research on random parts of animes that we watched, or where they took place (assuming they’re on earth or in this dimension, of course.)

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