Chapter 3 : First Impressions

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Hey, guys! What's up? So, apparently I got my own fanfiction's chapters confused after going back and forth between them so many times while writing and editing. Either way, this is the chapter where they get all crazy - I actually tuned it down a bit in the next couple chapters. The uploads might take a while longer, seeing as I need to collaborate with Brooklyn for any and all scenes let alone the making any decisions concerning the plot.

Brooke and I pressed our ears to the door, but we couldn't hear anything from inside.

"Maybe they're not there." I whispered, looking at Brooke through the corner of my eye.

"It's the Host Club," she countered, still whispering, "Since when are they even in class?"

"...Good point." I amended.

We listened for a little while longer before the thought occurred to me that maybe the music room would be sound proofed in order to not disturb the other classrooms in the hall.

Once I stated this fact Brooke had the idea that we open the door - not all the way, just a little bit - so that we could hear what was going on. So, we opened the door a good two inches, listening and trying to peer through the gap between the doors.

There was a low, constant buzz of chattering; so much so that I couldn't make anything out in particular. There were some squeals and excited voices, but nothing that proved it was truly the Host Club from OHSHC. Then, suddenly, two loud voices rang out at the same time.

"It's time to play the 'Which One is Hikaru?' game!"

Shocked, my eyes widened as I lost my balance once again, ending up falling forward and pushing the door away from us and taking away our support. The door came wide open and Brooke and I fell right to the ground. The loud THUNK reverberated through the room and everything went silent. A million eyes swiveled straight towards us. I quickly sat up, rubbing my head, and stared wide-eyed at the populated room.

"Uhhhh..." I uttered eloquently.

"She did it!" Brooke suddenly screamed, sitting up and pointing to me with emphasis.

"What?!" I exclaimed, turning her with an incredulous look.

"She did it!" Brooke repeated, still pointing at me with her accusing finger.

"Would you cut that out?!" I yelled, slapping away her finger. "There wasn't even anything for me to do!"

"Well you still did it!" Brooke yelled, throwing her arms in the air.

"It was your idea!" I shoot back.

"Was not!"

"Yes it was! And now look where you've gotten us! Everyone's staring, even Kyoya!" I screamed, pointing to the said boy in question without fully recognising the fact that he was actually there.

"Yeah, well I wasn't the one that thought we were at OURAN!" Brooke shot back.

"Yes you were!" I shouted.

"Yeah, well that's what you get for trying to fix the TV!"

"I didn't break it this time!"

"Yeah you did! How else do you explain how we got to Ouran?"

"I don't know!"

The room fell silent once more as we stared at each other for a few seconds. Suddenly my eyes widened as I came to a realization.

"Oh my god... Brooke, do you know what this means?" I shouted, grabbing her around the shoulders and drawing her close to my face.

"What?" Brooke asked, her face now as dead serious as mine.

"I don't have to take my science test tomorrow!" I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up as I smiled widely. Brooke just facepalmed and took a deep breath.

All of a sudden a smooth voice rang out in the silence. "Excuse me, ladies, but is there something we can help you with?"

I turned around to see a dark-haired man wearing glasses whose face I had long since memorized. Due to the overwhelming state of shock, my mind's filter seemed to have taken the day off. So, naturally, the most asinine and unexpected comments would be the only thing to actually come out of my mouth.

"You know," I said, looking him in the eye as my head tilted a bit to the side, "That's a really good question... I wish I knew the answer."

Brooke's hand was once again acquainted with her forehead.

"Dang it, Brooke!" I said, my mouth still on auto-pilot, "You could have had a V-8!"

Brooke slowly lay back down on the ground, palm still on her face, and quietly curled into a ball, as if to protect her remaining IQ points from the sheer stupidity that was my mind and the havoc it was wreaking on reality.

Now it might not seem true, but I actually tend to get really nervous when meeting new people. Normally I'm this loud rambunctious ball of 'what-the-heck?', so when I'm in an unfamiliar place or surrounded by completely unfamiliar people, (or in math class for some reason,) it's almost like I'm a completely different person as I sit still without making so much as a peep. So, as soon as my brain finally managed to catch up with the current situation, I'm pretty sure I started to look bipolar, if not at the very least mentally disturbed, to these people who were essentially complete strangers.

Upon my newly arrived state of mental awareness - or as close to that as I was going to get, at least - I turned to the other people in the room. Well, the ones that weren't currently in the fetal position, anyway.

I fought a blush - luckily my face couldn't blush even if it tried. Maybe it was a lack of blood flow to the head or something - as I looked awkwardly at the ground. Clearing my throat, I tried to brush off my clothes while still sitting on the floor. I looked back up, only to quickly meet the eyes of the youngest Ootori.

"So, um... It's nice to meet you."

The room remained silent except for the small thump-thump-thump of Brooke hitting her head on the ground from her curled-up position.

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