Chapter 4 : Introductions... Almost

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Hello my lovelies! (Yeah, I did it differently this time.) What's up? (But only a little bit...) How have you all been? I'm so happy with the awesome response to this story so far! I hope that you guys continue to enjoy the work, and I really hope you review! I really don't think anyone reads these Author's Notes... but if you do, I'd like to thank you! I'd also like to thank my brother, who, after god knows how many weeks of this chapter sitting in my laptop, helped me finish editing last second.

On another note, I heard a little rumor that the all-powerful J Michael Tatum (the voice of our very own worship-worthy Kyoya Ootori in the English Dubs) is going to voice the Kyoya-like character Rei in the English Dub of 'Free!'! I'm so excited! He's my all-time favorite voice actor, and when I watched 'Free!' I sort of tricked my brain into thinking that I was hearing his voice speak the lines in english, because I tend to do that when I watch subs. Anyone else get to the point where they swear the people are talking in english and you don't even see the words on the screen anymore? No, just me? Anyway, moving on... Oh yeah, and Vic Mignogna is playing Rin. I couldn't see it, because I haven't seen him in anything other than 'Ouran' whereas I've been obsessively been watching everything I could find that had J Michael Tatum in it. I might have a problem... Maybe... (I also discovered Octopimp's "50% Off!" and it is LIFE!!!) 

There was another point I was going to make somewhere... What was it? Oh yeah, in this chapter you get to learn a incy bit about us! Although I'm debating making some changes to our characters to where they don't fit us exactly, for the sake of the story. Let me know. I have also hinted at some of the shipping. (Which I've already listed in the description, but whatever.) Also, please don't hate me when I get to the Honey-senpai scene I have planned later in the story. But there's gotta be some sort of plot, yeah? Moving on for real this time! Oh yeah, and if I mention anything with a brand name, I'll put a disclaimer for it in the first chapter that I mention it. Also, I completely forgot to type this in the other two chapters that I posted today (of this story, but I have other chapters of other stories too), but I had some stuff that I posted and didn't post on this site, so when I saw a new comment on one of my stories, I decided to transfer some stuff over. So, yeah. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer : I do not own Dr. Pepper. (I don't even drink it.... :/ )

So, it turns out that non-students aren't actually allowed on campus. I guess that makes sense, logically, but it also meant that by being there we were in a bit of trouble.

So, to deal with this 'little problem', the host club sent all of their customers home early - something Kyoya wasn't too fond about. But assuming we were in the beginning of episode five, they probably would have had to close ahead of schedule anyway. I wonder how many days they didn't close early. (After the appearance of Haruhi, anyways.)

So, that's how we ended up being semi-interrogated by the Host Club.

"May I ask, exactly, what it is you're doing here?" Kyoya asked, sitting down on the couch in front of us.

Kyaa, he's so cute! NO, FOCUS MEL!

"Here in the music room, or here on private property?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side.

"Let's just start with the private property for now." He stated, narrowing his eyes a bit in displeasure.

"You see," I said, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand, "We don't really know."

Kyoya's face grew less pleasant and I hurried to explain the situation. "We just recently woke up here. One minute, everything is normal, and the next we woke up in the rose mase. I'm not even sure how we got to Japan in the first place."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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