Principal Cinch or What?!

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Lizzie's POV

"Oh, sorry if this will take too long. We have three floors and we only use stairs." Sour Sweet said. "Its only fine for us, but I think the future queen of hearts is not." Kitty said, looking at me.
(After a few minutes)
Sour Sweet opened the crystal doors. Its style was fitting with the name. Crystal as shiny as the trophies.
PC will be Principal Cinch.

PC: Hello girls!
Apple clears her throat.
Apple: We are recently from EAH. I was just wondering if we are not yet too late to enroll? We are totally hexcited about your school since its so powerful or much better.
PC: I like your compliment. But you enrolled here. That means you must be challenged in your skillfulness in the friendship games.

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