Chapter one.

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Flame's pov~

I'm laying in bed at 2:00 pm on Wednesday. Why you ask? Because school sucks.

My dad comes in; drunk of course, and starts yelling at me about how I never do anything, how I'm lazy, fat, useless, I'm a whore, slut, and a bitch.

Whatever. I know not to listen to him.

After an hour he finally stops and I can get back to tumblr.

After about 20 minutes my phone dings:

F: flame
T: Tiler (Tyler)

T: where are you cheer and track tryouts are going on!! I can't be the only girl with a boy name trying out!!
F: I'm at home, but I'll be there.
T:thanks and hurry up you have 20 minutes till last bell if you're not here by then your not allowed to try out.
F: I know I know I'll be there
F:okay I'm leaving now
T:okay thanks love you babe
F: love you too

After mine and Tilers texting conversation I got up and got changed.

I put on black skinny jeans and a white shirt that said "fuck off" on it. I left my hair in its usual curly waves and touched up my make up. I throw on a leather jacket.

A brown smokey eye, bottom liner, mascara, and a thin top eyeliner, I added a nude lipstick on.

I grabbed my black personalized I phone 6+. On the way out the door I grabbed my white high top converse and my white and purple penny board.

I closed my bedroom door behind me and walked down the 4 flights of stairs.

I made it down and saw my dad drinking, and my maid Cynthia cleaning.

"Hun where are you going?" Cynthia asked in her southern accent.

"To school for track, cheer, and football tryouts." I say nicely since I like Cynthia.

"Would you like something to eat first?" She asked.

"No thanks I'm not hungry." I'm starving but I don't need it. I say smiling to assure her.

"Okay then but good look!" She says waving.

"Bye."I wave back. And walk out the door I hop on my board and speed off to school.

When I get there and I hop off and head to the office to get a late pass.

"I need a pass." I say grumpily.

"Nice of you to show up Ms. Scapanieck. Do you have a note?" Mrs. Duster says back. A/n: you pronounce it 'ca pan e ack'.Just thought I would clear that up.

"Your lucky I showed and no." I roll my eyes.

She rolls her back and write the note on the piece of paper and hands it to me.

Great I still have 15 minutes of last period left. Note the sarcasm.

I walk to my locker and grab my French binder and a pencil.

I walk up the stairs to French and I walk in place the note in her desk and sit in my seat.

"Glad you could join us Ms.
Scapanieck!" Madame Tresses says in a fake happy voice.

"Whatever." I say lazily.

She goes back to teaching and I go on my phone.

"Ms. Scapanieck! Please say a paragraph, answering these questions!" Madame Tresses tests smirking.

"Easy,salut mon nom est la flamme agréable de vous rencontrer. Je profiter de la nourriture, le sommeil, l'Internet, et le shopping. Ma saison préférée est l'automne. Dans mon temps libre je regarde Netflix et YouTube. Je parle couramment 5 langues. ma nourriture préférée est toute viande ailleurs foie qui truc est brute. Ma saison préférée est l'automne. Je aime courir. Mon animal préféré est un chien. classique, je sais. Comment était que madame?( hi my name is flame, nice to
Meet you. I enjoy food, sleep, the internet, and favorite season is fall. In my free time I watch Netflix and youtube. I speak 5 languages. My favorite food is any meat besides liver that stuff is gross. my favorite season is fall. I love to run. My favorite animal is a dog. classic i know. How was that madame?)

She started at me and blinked. I didn't even bat an eye lash.

The bell rang and I stood up and everyone was staring at me.

Then they started clapping. I walked out and I was smiling. I meet up with Tiler since she takes German.

"You ready?" She asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" I say and smile nervously.

"Let's get em tiger!" She screamed causing people to look at us.

We reach the gym doors where cheerleading tryout are held. Remember I'm only doing this for Tiler.

We went to the locker room and got changed then headed out and sat waiting for our turn.

Tiler went first.

Cartwheel-check for standing and running
Round off- check for standing and running
Hand stand-almost
Back hand spring-no
Front hand spring-no
Back bend-check
Back walk over- check
Front walk over - check
One handed cartwheel/round off-check
Back flip-no
Front flip-check
Back tuck-no
Front tuck-no
She finished and now it was my turn. 9/15

Cartwheel-check for both
Round off- check for both
Hand stand-check and I can walk on my hands.
Back hand spring-check
Front hand spring-check
Back bend-check
Back walk over- check
Front walk over - check
One handed cartwheel/round off-check
Back flip-check
Front flip-check
Back tuck-check
Front tuck-check

15/15 even though I've never tried most of these things.

Since I was last we went to get changed after they told us the list will be posted soon.
1 down 2 to go.

There isn't track try out you just sign up so I did and Tiler didn't she doesn't like running.

2 down one to go.

Tiler left because she doesn't know Im gonna try out for football.

I went in where tryout are being held.

I walked up to coach.

"I'm here to try out." I said

"Cheerleading is in the gym." He didn't even look at me.

"Whatever!" I say and walk to where the footballs are.

I took one and threw it all the way across the field and it still was going.

Everyone was watching it.

I walk back up to him.

"I'm here to try out!" I say a little rudly.

"You're in!" He said and I walked back out with a bunch of the boys wolf whistling at me, I flipped them off.

When I get home my dad is sober; at least the most he's ever been.

"Flame I need to talk to you, sit down." He said.

I sat down.

"I'm sending you away, I can't take your attitude anymore tomorrow is your last day I'm moving you to California. You'll all set with a house and I'll have everything else shipped over tinight. You'll be living alone. I trust you enough to not die." He said that then got up and left.

I heard his car speed off while I was processing what he said.

I run up the stairs and to my room and pull out my phone. I dialed Tilers number.

I break into tears and she answered.

"Jim's whore house. You got the dough we got the hoe!" She said in the other end she always jokes like that when I call her.

"I'm leaving, my dad is kicking me out, I'm going to California."

"What. No!"

"Im sorry, I love you, well keep in touch, goodbye!" I hang up before she can say anything.

I pack everything up and dad has it picked up and shipped to my new house.

I only leave a change of clothes, my phone, my phone charger, my computer, my computer charger, my shower stuff, and a picture of me and Tiler.

I get in the shower. I do my normal shower routine; wash hair, wash my body, shave legs and underarms, face wash three times, and then I exfoliate.

A/n: there's the first chapter I hope you liked it. TELL me about what you think of the book so far. Comment what you want to see in the book and I'll try and work it in . Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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