Chapter 20 : More Visions

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I looked at him then turned away from his eyes. I didn't think Darks had small powers, but they did. I saw Jake fighting the man, the man was holding a small knives about the same size as the kids. I looked around and saw to gun. It looked to be broken, because in was in two. I looked up at Jake and he was on top of the man pinning his arms to his sides. He leaned closer to the man and dug his teeth into his shoulder. I heard a painful scream and he was dead, Jake got up and shifted back still looking at the lifeless body. I shifted back and walked over to the body, I went on my knees and touched his hand. Nothing. Then I went over and touched his forehead, hopping to see a vision. I closed my eyes for a second and something appeared. I was in a small room, I kept still thinking something might happen that will shoot me back to the real world but nothing. I looked around and then moved my hand in front of my face. What the? I tried walking and I did. Ummm...inner wolf you there? Nothing. I was confused, I looked around the small room and there was nothing but a door. I slowly walked over to the door, then it flew open and I jumped back and slammed myself at the wall. What? I looked closer and there was an old man. He walked in and looked at me like he knew I would be here. Then he smiled.

" What happening? Who are you? " I manage to say. I heard a low chuckle. Ummm...inner wolf. I'm freaking out here, Help. Still nothing.

" So you touched the forehead of my dead friend, now didn't you?" He said his voice was deeper then the man's Jake just killed. I nodded my head. " Well I would hope you would, silver wolfchild." And then a grin appeared on his face.

" Who are you?" I demaned. He walked in more into the light so I could see him. His hair was gray and his eyes were dark almost black. He was wearing a black robe and a sword was by his waist.

" Why I'm the leader. The Dark's leader." he said in a evil tone. I tried to back up, but I was already against the wall. He saw what I was doing and back up, I looked around. I was scared out of my mind, why can't I leave. I calmed down after a minute and took a step forward away from the wall.

" Why do you want me? " I asked. He again gave out a low chuckle, Then I gave out a breath of air tring not to shift and kill him.

" That I can't say now." He said. I looked at him angered, I calmed down again and closed my eyes. Thinking about how to get info out of him.

" How can I get back to real world?" I asked. But he just smiled and left the room, locking the door.

I pounded on the door but no one came. Then I gave up and sat in the corner with my arms around my legs and my head on my knees. What's going on?

" You ok, child?" Someone said, I looked up to see the blonde kid on his knees looking at me. What the hell was he doing here? I just nodded my head. He smiled a little.

" W-what are you doing here?" I said confused.

" I'll tell you later now give me your hand." He told me, I nodded my head again and he grabbed my hand and I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see the kid with his hand on my forehead, he then opened his eyes and smiled at me. I looked around and Jake and Drake were a few yards away. I was about 5 yards away from the dead body. I got up and so did the blonde kid, Jake and Drake came over to us, and I looked at them.

* What did I tell ya*

" What happened?" Drake asked me. Shut it wolf, I said in my head.

" Can you tell me first what happen?" I asked, Drake then nodded his head. But then Jake started talking.

" What happen was that when I saw you touch the forehead of the dead body, I was waiting for you to jump back and be freaked out, but nothing." He started. " Then I asked what's wrong a million times but you didn't move. Drake by that time was able to tie up Derek here and come over to help. Drake tried to wake you up but you didn't move that when we moved you away from that body." I looked at the body quick before Jake finished. " Derek said he knew what was happening and that he can help you, but we told him no. Then he kept on begging intill Drake and I gave in and untied him." I looked over at the blonde kid or Derek and he gave a quick smile.

" Once they untied me, I ran over to you and told them to keep back. I looked around quick and then placed my hand on your forehead. I closed my eyes and went into your head, another little power I have, and was looking for you. once I did I saw you in the corner of a small room. I knew what happened and that when I appeared and helped you out. I'm pretty amazed that you didn't even try to kill my leader." Derek finished. Drake looked at me.

* So that's what happen*

" Tell me what happened now." He demaned. I nodded me head and started.

" I saw the leader of The Darks." I started and I told him everything that happened in it. Jake was amazed and freaked out at the same time. While Drake was listening to every detail.

* so thats where you were*

What do you mean wolf. You didn't see it?

* Ummmm....I tried to find you, but it was like someone block me and I could follow*

" So he didn't say anything really?" Jake asked and I nodded my head.

" All he really said that was important was that he can't say anything right now." I said. Jake looked around and then at Drake.

" We have to keep our promise." Jake said to Drake. I looked up at them confused.

" What promise?" I asked. Derek smiled.

" I told them if I came get you to come to, They have to let me help them out and not kill me." Derek said smiling. I looked at them thinking they were crazy.

* Tell them, wow such a smart idea*

" Come on lets it getting late." Jake said changing the subject. Would you shut up, wolf. I told her.

" Wait a minute, how long was I out?" I asked.

" Two hours. Now lets go back to the hideout, before my dad see you gone girl." Jake said then he turned around and started walking. I looked at Derek and he seemed to be in a good mood. I just shooked my head and followed.

It took us 20 minutes to get to the hideout but once we did the one guard started talking.

" Jake, your dad wants to see all of you now." Jake then nodded his head and went into the hideout. One we entered the meeting room there was like 6 others people in there too. The old man got up from his chair and walked over to us.

" You never listen to me do you, Nicole?" Then he turned his head to me. I frozed and looked at him. " Well don't -" He stopped and was staring at Derek. Then he walked over to him and grabbed his neck and lifted him in the air.

* Careful, he see that kid, Derek*

" What is he doing here!" He said angered. Derek grabbed the old mans arm and was tring to get out of his grip. " HE'S A DARK" He then yelled even louder and his hand tightened around Derek neck.

" He helped us." I said. The old man looked at me and loosed the grip a little around Derek's neck.

Derek was turning red and looked liked he was about to past out.

" How did he help." He said a bit more calmly. I looked at Derek, he was scared.

" I'll tell you, but you have to let him go." I told him. The old man then smiled and through him at the wall. He slammed into the wall and fell to the ground. He started to breath heavly and was rubbing his neck. Drake ran over and helped him out.

" Why would a Dark help us?" He said. I looked at Jake quick and then talked.

" We encounter him and a man in the woods behind the waterfall. Once we saw them, Drake demanded them to come closer so he can get a better view of them. Once they did, he kept looking at me. Then he asked if I was the silver wolfchild and I just nodded my head. He kept coming closer to me and was saying how I should came with them and that he wouldn't hurt me. I kept looking into his eyes and all I saw was trustworthyness and kindness. That's when I was caught in a trap. He was hypnotising me and tring to get me to come with him. He kept talking to me sweetly and saying that I trusted him. He grabbed my hand and started walking back and I followed him. That when I jumped back and Drake caught me, I saw another vision." I told him.


Sorry it took me a few days I'm babysitting and had little time to write.

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