Chapter 33 : My New Family

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Sadly this is the last chapter to this book, BUT I'll be writing a sequel. YAY! So what did you think of the story? Do you love it? aww...Come on you had to love it. I bet you this story is one of a few werewolf stories on wattpad that didn't involve the Alpha's son finding there mate. Ok so you get it now.

I would also like to say to all the people that commented and helped me out through out this book............THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)





and here's the last chapter.............


Nicole's POV

I was stuck in darkness and my whole body ached. What just happened? I had no idea but I do remember releasing alot of energy and hitting something. I started to feel my fingers and toes, then my arms and legs. Once I could feel myself again I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. I was back in my room in Sally's house, I looked at the clock and it was 2:34 in the afternoon. I sat up and looked around my room and everything was in place, then my head started to ache. I placed my hand on my forehead,

" Ow." I whispered to myself. Then I heard footsteps and the door opened slowly and Drake walked in with a smile on his face.

" Finally your up." He said and then he sat at the foot of my bed.

" What happen?" I asked and Drake looked at me and gave me a smile.

" Well lets see, you almost killed the Dark's leader, you hit the wall and past out, you were out for 2 days, and now your a wake." He said. I heard more footsteps and Derek came in.

" So you tell her yet?" Derek asked Drake.

" Tell me what?" I looked at Drake.

" So it happens that our dad was on our side the whole time." Drake started.

" What?"

" Ok, so our dad knew what you were, the silver wolf, he told the old man and how the Dark's might want you. So the old man had everything planned from you being found by humans to you being caught by Darks and meeting dad, but the one thing that didn't go right was that you didn't kill the leader." He finished.

" So he's not dead?" I said shocked, and Drake shook his head. " Great."

" So he might come back." Derek added.

" Were's mom and dad?" I asked though it felt weird saying that.

" They went to go talk to your adopted parents." Drake answered.

" No, why?" I asked shocked.

" Because if your going to move in with your real family your adopted parents have to know." Drake said.

" But their going to be on the news about me being found and........" I started but then lost my train of thought.

" Hey you'll get through it." Derek said. " By the way your parents are adopting me." I looked at him and he had a smile on his face.

" Great another annoying brother." I joked and Derek put on a fake shocked face.

" That hurts." He said.

" It was a joke." I complained now feeling bad. Derek then bursted out laughing and Drake had a grin on his face.

" See we're family already." Drake said.


I know its a vary short ending, but I think it works perfectly. BUT like I said I'll be writing a sequel..........YAY!!!!!! SO I don't know what the title is going to be...............

It might be called......Ummm

WolfChild: Return of Darks [ 2 ]

Do you like it or do you have a better title for me.....COMMENT below


WolfChild   [ book 1 ]  (editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora