Without you- A Riker lynch love story- Chapter seventeen.

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           Jess's POV:

I sat on the edge of the bath, my hands shaking. Riker and Rocky were in the bedroom, waiting for the results. I had just taken the tests, only two minuets left until we would know.I was so scared! What would we do? Riker was in a band! We weren't even married! Stormie would hate me! I was snapped out of my thoughts by the timer going off.

Inhaling a sharp breath, I moved to the sink. Carefully I picked up the first test. I read the results and dropped it, grabbing the next one. I repeated this until they were all gone. With the results in my mind, I joined the boys in the bedroom. Riker jumped up, coming to me in three strides. Rocky was sitting on the bed, watching us closely.

"What did it say?" Riker asked, his voice croaky. I sighed and looked him in the eyes.He was staring at me, eyes full of concern and worry. I took a deep breath before replying.

"Three yes, three no" I mumbled. He let out a shaky breath, ruffling his hair. I gripped him in a hug, crying into his shirt. He stroked my back, hiding his face in my hair. His shoulders were shaking as he cried. This was too much.

"So what do we do now?" Rocky asked awkwardly. We broke our hug, looking at him. What did we do?

"I guess...we tell mum" Riker muttered. I snapped my head up, my eyes widening.

"We can't.. She will hate me!" I protested, the boys looked at me.

"Jess, she loves you. Mum would never judge you" Rocky stated.

"Can't we just wait? please" I begged. They shook their heads, looking at me with pity. I sighed, going to the door. With one last look at the boys, I shouted down.

"STORMIE CAN YOU COME UP HERE PLEASE?" I heard her put some pots away and soon enough she was in the room with us. I shut the door and sat down with Rocky and Riker on Riker's bed. Stormie sat down on Rocky's watching us oddly.

"Yes?" She asked sceptically. I looked at Riker who nodded.

"Stormie I-" I began, but Rocky cut me off.

"Mum please don't talk until they finished explaining" He begged. She nodded, gesturing for me to continue. I told her everything, watching as she stayed blanked faced. By the end I was shaking again. Riker wrapped his arm around me.

"I don't know what to say.." Stormie admitted. I sighed, I knew she would hate me!

"But I am proud of you three. You came and told me. Be it, Rocky isn't the maybe father but he stayed faithful to his brother. Jess I see you as a daughter. I will support you no matter what. We will keep this between us, until we know for sure." I got up and hugged her. She hugged me back, running her hand through my hair.

"Now come on, lets go make dinner" Stormie said, leading us down. We made our way into the kitchen and sat down at the table. We all silently decided to drop the subject until we came up with a plan.

"Now, what to cook?" Stormie mumbled, turning to face us. I glanced at the boys, feeling sick. I didn't want to talk, i couldn't. I had to go to the doctors and find out for sure. Riker pursed his lips, rubbing my back in circles.

"How about chicken pasta?" He said after a while. Stormie nodded and got out a large pot. She began to prepare the meal, asking the boys to help out here and there. Not once was I made to do something. I felt bad.

This was my fault. I had brought this family nothing but trouble. From turning up out of the blue to nearly killing Riker. Now this...I should just leave. Yeah that's what I would do. Leave. Tomorrow, I would go.

Rylands POV:

I was worried about Jess. She had hardly touched her food, which was odd. I watched her out of the corner of my eye, pushing her food around the plate. Riker kept glancing at her, looking concerned. Mum and Rocky were silent too. What was going on? 

"So, um did everyone have a good day?" Dad asked after a while, breaking the silence. Ross nodded, clearing his throat. 

"Yeah, I went to see the twins with Katie, Alexa, Jason, Megan and Danny. They've grown loads! Vicky said her first word today" He beamed. 

"What was it?" Rydel questioned, putting down her fork. 

"She said 'Wossy' " He replied. We all let out an 'awe' smiling. Jess's smile didn't reach her eyes, so I knew something was up. The room fell silent again, apart from the sound of forks on plates. Eventually J pushed her chair back,, putting her plate in the sink and disappearing.  

Riker and Rocky shared a look, as mum just ducked her head, eating. Dad didn't seem fazed, neither did Ross and Delly. I was really concerned now. Jess always stayed for seconds. I excused myself and went up to her room. 

I knocked softly and waited for an answer. There was a load of rustling from behind the wooden frame. When she didn't answer, I pushed the door open.  Walking further into her room, I noticed clothes everywhere. Jess was sitting on her bed, phone in hand. 

"J? Are you okay?" I  asked, moving next to her. She looked up and locked her phone, slamming it down on the bed. 

"Huh?Oh yeah...I'm fine" She replied, not making eye contact. 

"Really? Because you left before seconds, hardly ate anything and you are shaking" I said calmly. 

"Ry, I am fine! I promise you" 

I nodded, still not convinced. I left anyway, not wanting to bother her more. "Something is not right" I mumbled, going to my own bedroom. I would figure it out tomorrow.


Sorry for not updating guys! My laptop told me everything had been deleted! But I have updated, and another chapter will follow today! I wont be able to update for about two weeks starting on Friday as I am away and there will be no internet, but i will write chapters and post when I return! 

Oh and I wanted a nickname for you guys so post suggestions below! 

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