Without you-A Riker Lynch love story. Chapter three.

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Rikers POV:

OMFG I WAS KISSING J! "You guys can breath now..GUYS!" Rocky laughed.Blushing, J and I broke apart. Rydel was squealing, Ross and Ry looked shocked but Rocky was smirking.  "Erm, Well I think that's the end of sibling night!" I said jumping up. I ran up the stairs, straight into my room. A few minuets later Rocky came up. I felt my bed dip as he sat down.

"Dude, what was that?" I pulled the covers off my head and looked at him. He looked generally concerned. "I don't know  Rocky.. I just don't know" My voice cracked and i mentally swore. Great he would know I had been crying.

"Riker.. Have you been crying?" He asked, I nodded and he sighed. Normally it was me sorting out the arguments and problems. "Why?" I shrugged, picking at a loose thread on my blanket.

"Well..Oh I don't know..Wheres J?"

"She ran up to her r-" He was cut  off by Rydel bursting into the room. 

"RIKER ANTHONY LYNCH! YOU ARE GOING STRAIGHT INTO MY ROOM TO TALK TO JESS!" I nodded slowly and made my way down the hall. 

Jess's POV: 

There was a knock at the door. I didn't reply, i was to busy hiding under my covers. "J?" Riker called out softly as he entered my room. "mmm?" I mumbled. i heard him shuffle across the room, his breathing was shaky.Had he been crying too? 

"I'm, sorry i ran out like that..." I pulled down my covers, tears in my eyes. He ran forward and hugged me, "I'm so sorry! I never wanted to make you cry!"  I took a deep breath, but smiled at him.

"Its..Its fine Riker...I was just embarrassed" He nodded.

"This isnt the first time I made you cry with embarrassment.. Remember when we went to the theme park?" He asked. I nodded, remembering the day.


"Hey J! Come on the haunted house with me?"  Eleven year old  Riker asked me. I shook my head,no way was i going on that! "Oh come on! Just you and me? Ill protect you!" I sighed and finally agreed. We made our way to the front of the ride and sat down. 

The ride was terrifying! Ghosts, zombies,Witches and werewolves jumped out everywhere. "AAAAAAH!" I screamed, Riker laughed and put his arm round me. Finally we got off that horror fest! 

"How was it?"  Stormie asked. I shook my head, burying my face in Rikers arm. 

"Jess hated it! She was screaming so much it was really funny!" He laughed. I looked up at him, tears in my ten year old eyes. "I hate you Riker! You said you would protect me! But all you did was embarrass me!" I pulled away and ran off.

"JESS! WAIT I'M SORRY!" He shouted but I ignored him. I ran over to a bench and sat down, hiding my face in my hands. "Jess?" I heard Riker say. I looked up, tears streaming down my face. He sat down next to me,his breathing was shaky.

"Im..Im sorry.." He whispered. I looked at him, he was  crying. His eyes were full of regret. 

"Its..Its okay...I over reacted.. I don't hate you" I said, he smiled and pulled me into a hug.


"Yeah.."I laughed. Riker chuckled, wiping my tears away. I snuggled into his chest, inhaling his sent."So you forgive me?" He asked, I nodded and he gave me a tight squeeze. Then he got up, rubbing the back of his neck he said, "Well its late, we should go t-"

"RIKER YOU NEED TO DRIVE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!" Ross shouted  from downstairs. Riker and I jumped up and were downstairs in a minuet. "What? WHY? WHO DIED!" Riker cried. Ross was shaking like  leaf. 

"Hayley. Baby. NOW!" was all he manged to spit out. Riker grabbed his keys and everyone loaded up into his van. "HURRY!" Rydel screamed. Ross was shaking violently, so i pulled him into  hug. Kate had always said she wanted him there with her, he was basically the babies uncle after all. 

Ross's POV:

We finally made in to the hospital, i jumped out and rushed to the front desk. "Erm I'm here for Miss Hayley Denz?" I asked. The lady smiled and pointed to  a hallway and told me what room number. "Thanks" I said as i ran off to find them.  I counted each room until i found the right one, i gently knocked  then waited. "Come in" Scott called out, I slowly opened the door and was tackled in a hug by Kate.

"Ross! You came!" She cried. I smiled and kissed her head, she took my hand  then led me over to the bed. Hayley was lying down cradling a little blue bundle. She was red in the face and all sweaty but smiling. "You did it Hayles"  I said, squeezing her shoulder. She smiled and nodded over at Scott who was holding a pink bundle. "Twice" She breathed. 

Kate was beaming at Scott. He had tears in his eyes as he looked  into his little girls face. "Do you have names?" I asked. Hayley nodded, still smiling. She opened her mouth to talk but was interrupted by five people bursting in the room.  "Ross! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Rocky said. I held a finger up to my lips, nodded at the two babies. 

"Guys, I want you to meet, little Vicky and little Luke" Scott said. Everyone let out a Awwwwwwwe, Then Scott handed Vicky to Kate. I wrapped my arms round her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder and gazed at the little life form in front of me. She had a full head of brown hair like Scott's, and amazing brown eyes.

"Ross? Do you want to hold Luke?" Hayley asked, I nodded and Scott passed him over to me. Luke had dirty blond hair and greenie-blue eyes like Hayley. His tiny fingers gripped my own, i smiled down at him. Everyone crowed round the bundles of joy, a few minuets later Lex, Megan, Danny, Ratliff  and Jason joined us. 

Rydels POV: 

A few hours later we arrived back home. Kate would be crashing here for the night as Scott was staying with Hayley.Ratliff was staying as  We decided to watch a few films then go to bed, we were all staying in Ross and Ry's  room as it was bigger. Though mum and dad were hoping to get an extension built so we had way more room. "I call dibs on the sofa!" J said, flinging herself over the back and landing on the cushions. Riker rolled his eyes and plopped down on top of her. 

At first she just blushed and didn't say anything, but when Rocky cleared his throat she spoke. "Riker get off me!" She laughed awkwardly, Riker nodded and stood up. J budged over so he could sit down which he did. Soon we were all seated and watching a film. IT was some horror  film the boys had picked. Jess was loving it whilst Kate and I were hiding, Kate into Ross's chest and I into Rocky's.  

"EWWWW LOOK AT ALL THE BLOOD AND GUTS!" Ratliff said. I grabbed a pillow and launched it at his head. "Shut up El" I said.  He pouted, but did as i said. A couple films later we were all ready for bed. "Kate your bunking with me" Ross smirked, wriggling his eyebrows. she giggled and climbed into his bed. The rest of us settled on the floor, with blankets and pillows. 

Jesss POV: 

"Pst..J?" Someone whispered. It was about two in the morning and pitch black. I didn't know who was talking to me, "Yeah?" I replied. 

"Its Riker... Can you sleep?" I shook my head then remembered he couldn't see me.

"No, you?" 

"Nope...Come join me here? Its cold" He said, i smiled and made my way through the dark over to where he was lying. He lifted the blanket up so i could get under, i snuggled up into his chest and sighed. He wrapped his arms round me, i could feel his breath on my face, hot and moist. I felt his lips press against my forehead then there was nothing but breathing to be heard in the room. I fell asleep right there and then, in Riker's arms. 

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