Chapter 5

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My heart started pounding. What? Ryan is gonna ask me out?

ME, who nobody ever knew last year, who wears mismatched socks, who fell off the rope we had to climb from twenty feet above last year in P.E.?

My mouth was wide open, and I was sitting there in shock.

Zoe squealed. "Ohmigosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!"

A grin suddenly broke out across my face and I could feel my cheeks going red.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Lets go!" I said.


When we got to Ryan's house for the party, everyone was dancing and having fun. I immediately went to dance with everybody else before I got tired and went to take a break.

I found the kitchen and saw a pitcher of some type of drink and got a cup and filled it. I assumed it was just soda or something.

After I finished the cup, I threw the plastic cup away. It was really weird soda. Probably like vanilla flavored or something gross from Safeway.

I was walking out of the kitchen when I bumped into Ryan.

I smiled at him and said hey.

"Hey, you wanna go outside?" He said.


He led me out the back door and we sat next to the pool.

"So" he started. "Um, this is kinda awkward, but I really like you. Do you, um, want to be my girlfriend?" He said, looking at me hopefully.

Well that was fast.

I smiled. "Okay." I said.

He smiled back and he took my hand and brought me back into the party. There was now less dancing and kids were all doing their own thing. I felt Ryan tug my hand and I followed him into the kitchen, where nobody else was.

He smiled and grabbed me by the waist. Before I could do anything, he put his lips on mine. His eyes were closed and he didn't take his lips away. He kept moving his mouth, and I thought he was making out with me or something.

He was all into it while I was just standing there with my mouth on his with a confused expression. I thought if I kept that up he would notice and I would hurt his feelings, so I tried to move my mouth the way he was. I put my arms in his shoulders so I didn't feel all awkward. I felt something wet on my lips and opened my mouth a little bit without realizing it. I felt something weird in my mouth and I realized it was hi tongue. My expression right now must be priceless.

I didn't know what to do, so I kind of just moved my tongue around randomly. My face was still in it's confused and shocked expression with my eyes wide open.

I wasnt paying attention and I heard a picture snap. He pulled away and turned around and we both saw Zoe standing there, smirking.

"It's about time!" She said. "This picture is my new favorite picture. Oh, and your sister is out front, Carly, so we gotta go."

I nodded and said goodbye to Ryan. I could tell my face resembled a tomato as we walked out. As soon as the door shut behind us, Zoe was bursting with laughter.

"What?" I asked.

She opened her phone and showed me the picture. Yup, my face was totally hilarious. I cracked a smile and shook my head. I walked over to the car and Zoe composed herself.

When we were in the car, I got a text. I looked down.

"Ur face--- PRICELESS!!!!! XDDD" It was from Zoe.

I smiled. "Shut up." I sent back.


It was now December. Ryan and I have been dating since the party in November. Everything honestly felt the same.

I didn't speak to Brooke as much any more. We kinda just drifted apart.

I was really popular now. One of the most popular girls, right next to Zoe and Courtney. I was pretty much typical, popular seventh grade girl.

But it was fun. I have such a fun life.

Tonight was Friday night, and it's the football game between the two local rival teams. Everyone was so hyped.

Today, Zoe, Courtey, and I were all going shopping and then were seeing The Great Gatsby.

Oh, and Cara Livingston was coming too. She was new at school, so we welcomed her into our group and after her first month at our school she's popular.

We climbed into Courtney's sisters car. We were all chatting and giggling happily. We really only had time to go to one place so we went to Victoria's Secret. We all got new bras, underwear, perfume, yoga pants, and tops. Cara and I got matching bras as a joke.

Finally, we went to the movie.

Gatsby had an awesome life. He threw these huge parties, which looked to be incredible. I wanted a party like that.

After the movie, we all went to the football game where I met up with Ryan. When we saw him he was with Micheal.

At the football games, we liked to hang out on the practice field behind the real field. So that's where we were. We were all just sitting and talking.

Ryan was next to me with his arm around me. I felt him lean closer to me an I heard him whisper in my ear, "Hey, you wanna go somewhere?"

I nodded and we got up and walked away. Nobody noticed because they were all too busy yelling at Courtney for not liking marshmallows. I don't like them that much either, but I chose not to say so.

Ryan led me to the far end of the field. It was dark so no one could see us.

He pulled me close to him. I was kinda lost in my own thoughts until he covered my mouth with his hand. He pulled his hand away and I was totally confused.

"Hey, can I do that again, except, this time, with my mouth?" He said.

I bit my lip and giggled. I nodded and turned my head to the right and closed my eyes. I felt his lips on mine so I slowly opened my mouth a little bit to let his tongue in. We'd made out a little-okay, maybe a lot- since that first time at the party. So I was kinda getting the hang of it.

I guess Ryan is a good kisser. He's the only guy I've ever kissed, though. But it's clean and it's not like saliva everywhere. Our lips are always in the perfect position, instead of him eating my mouth like Courtney said some guys do. Our tongues meet right in the middle, instead of him shoving his tongue down my throat. I enjoyed kissing Ryan.

After about fifteen minutes, he pulled back and said we should head back to everyone else. We walked back, intertwined hands.

Everyone seemed to notice we had gone by the time we came back. Everyone was hooting at Ryan. Matthew Fishbaum, who arrived along with some other people while I was with Ryan, shouted, "Ryan! Gettin' some!" I bit my lip to force back a smile.

I really enjoyed how my life was right now. I was popular, I hung out with some of my new best friends nearly every day, and so much more. This was awesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2013 ⏰

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