Chapter 1

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Chapter One

I walked through the meadow to where I found a white unicorn. I was just about to jump on and go on a magical adventure when I heard the loud sound of my sixteen year old sister, Alyssa, shout out, "Happy birthday, my little thirteen year old! Time to celebrate the upcoming year of puberty, boys, and drama!"

I woke up from my dream and smiled wide.

"Thanks, Lyss! Did you make me any birthday breakfast?"

"Nope!" She replied, still smiling. "Mom did!"

I laughed. I jumped out of bed, ran past my sister, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

We had an okay-sized home. I guess it was a little bigger than average, but I'd been living there my whole life, so I just thought it was normal size.

We're not rich or anything though. Mom worked in marketing, and Dad ran a small power washing business. Nothing too special. We didn't bring in a lot of money, but we had enough to cover the necessities.

Today was Saturday, August 15th. Also known as my birthday. I start seventh grade in ten days. That meant ten days left of summer. I had to use them wisely.

Since today was my birthday, I knew I could do pretty much anything. There wasn't really anything I wanted to do in particular, but maybe a shopping trip would be nice. I was about to ask Mom when I saw the kitchen.

Just like every year, the kitchen had been decorated with streamers and store bought decorations. I thought it was a sweet gesture that would probably keep going until I move out. Even Alyssa still got the whole thing and she would be moving out in two years.

Mom had made me chocolate chip pancakes complete with a glass of green tea. It was all sitting on the table.

"Aw, thanks Mom! You're the best!"

"My pleasure, sweetie. And even though he's not here, your father has a little something for you."

"What? But I thought he was in Tokyo for the convention?"

"He is, but he has something that he left before he went away. Open this."

She handed me a box wrapped in Chanukah wrapping paper. I took it from her and tore the paper off.

I gasped. "No! He did NOT buy me this!" It was an iPad. All for me.

I opened the box and took out the iPad. Alyssa was looking at it in awe. I saw mom sneaking a text. Suddenly the iPad started ringing. I hit the answer button in shock.

It was Dad, skyping me.

"Wow Dad! You got me an iPad? You're the best!"

"This is your thirteenth birthday! You deserve something special!" He said with a huge grin.

"I really can't thank you enough."

"That's okay. I see the thanks by the look of your face. Happy birthday sweetie! I'm so sorry though, I have to leave now. But I love you!"

"Thanks Dad, love you too!"

Wow. An iPad. This was huge.

I ate my pancakes in bliss. Then I spun around to Alyssa.

"Hey, you wanna go shopping today?"

"Sure!" She said. "Let's go get dressed."

I went up to my room. I walked into my closet. What to wear.

I finally decided on plain denim short shorts and my blue Superman tank top. I thought I looked cute.

I stepped into the bathroom at the same time Alyssa did. We both started applying our makeup. I wore just foundation, mascara, and bottom eyeliner. Alyssa wore pretty much the same, but she chose different shades. She was very tan and had perfect skin, while I was fairly pale and had a few zits here and there. They were easily hid though.

I straightened my beach blonde hair while Alyssa curled her dark brown hair. Once done, we both looked at our reflections and smiled with satisfaction. We went downstairs and yelled goodbye to Mom and walked outside.

I was about to get in to the Prius when Alyssa said, "Carly, what are you doing? You can't be seen in a silly old tampon car. Get in the convertible."

Alyssa was rarely allowed to drive the convertible so I assumed she hadn't told Mom. I didn't object, though. I climbed in and we drove off. We chatted until we got to the mall.

We walked in and I was about to walk past the Victoria's Secret but Alyssa stopped me.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but you need a bra. You've needed one since fourth grade. Honey, it's time." Alyssa explained to me.

I didn't really care, so I walked in with Alyssa. Alyssa explained to a saleswoman that I needed to be measured. The lady asked my name and when I told her and she wrote it on a small pink slip.

After I had gotten measured, Alyssa said, "Woah. 34B. That's bigger than I was when I was your age."

This all kind of weirded me out so we continued with our shopping. After buying several items all in several different bags, we ran into Amanda O'Dell.

I was shocked to see her. She was the most popular girl in school last year. She was currently wearing shorts and a t-shirt. She looked way different than when I had last seen her. She saw me and said hi but then walked back to her friends, whom I didn't recognize.

I was surprised. She had never spoken to me before. I shrugged and Alyssa and I kept walking.

When I got home that day, I walked up to my bedroom. I started putting all my new clothes in my closet. I felt like I was drifting on a cloud. I had a great day.

I think I had a good start to my thirteenth year.

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