Chapter Ten

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"Zoo? Did you say zoo?" I struggled to match Niall's brisk pace as he elbowed his way through the crowded Dublin sidewalk.

"Rule number two," was his only response.

I sighed exasperatedly, attempting to speed up so I wouldn't lose him in the midst of the horde. I wasn't asking if we were going to the zoo out of complaint; I was asking because I really loved zoos. I pouted and childishly decided that he didn't deserve to know how excited I was.

Only a few minutes later and it was official; Niall was gone. He was swallowed up by the hundreds of others with analogous accents. I was surprised that I wasn't completely panic-stricken, what with being lost in an unfamiliar place. In fact, I really wasn't concerned at all. I slowed down my pace so I could actually take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the city, instead of rushing passed it as Niall seemed to want to do.

I came to a stop beside a traditional Irish pub, craning my neck so I could read the flashing neon lights above the doorway. I heard the pounding music and numerous drunken voices shouting about and clinking their mugs of beer together. Through the window I spotted a soccer-football game playing on one of the flat screens. I lowered my eyes a teeny bit and noticed an extremely fit boy, who looked much older than me, smiling over in my direction.

"Ello lass," He walked over towards me. Only then did I notice how he towered over me, being at least 6ft tall. "What's the craic?"

I had no idea how to respond, so I simply stayed silent, trying not to notice how his buff muscles poked out of his shirt sleeves.

When I didn't answer, he began to trail his fingers down my arm. I pulled my arm away immediately.

"What'sa a pretty girl like you doing wandering these busy streets alone? Why don't I walk you to wherever you're going?"

"Actually," Niall suddenly appeared at my side out of nowhere. He protectively grabbed my hand and continued, "she's with me. We won't be needing your assistance."

The boy's eyes flickered to Niall and then back to me. "Do you know this guy?"

I nodded, still at a loss for words. I felt Niall's grip tighten around me when the boy didn't walk away.

"Well, if you're ever looking for a fun time," he winked and started to walk backwards. "Come back around here, and I'll show you one." With one last confident smirk he disappeared into the crowd. Niall dropped my hand, letting it fall to my side. It felt limp and bloodless; I hadn't realized how hard Niall had been squeezing it.

I worked for a few seconds to get the blood back flowing, feeling prickles tingle up my arm. Niall's blue eyes were filled with guilt.

"He didn't hurt you, did he? Are you alright?" The muscles in Niall's back noticeably tightened. "I feel like such an arse; you must hate me. I already broke rule three! I'm so sorry for leaving you. Why do I ruin everything? You are okay, though? Please don't be mad at me. No, actually be as mad as you want. I was being a jerk and walking so goddamn fast. You should probably punch me, or something. If your aunt found I lost you on the first she be so mad! I'm such a-"

"NIALL!" I screamed, cutting off his senseless babbling. "I'm fine, it's fine, and we're fine. I do not hate you, and I'm not going to punch you. Oh, and you aren't whatever you were about to say you were, kay?"

Niall took a deep breath, nodding. "I'm nervous around you."

"I'm sorry, I promise you I won't do anything stupid. You don't have to worry about me." I sighed, knowing how my general klutziness could seem troublesome to those who weren't used to it.

"No," he blushed, nimbly looking down at his Supras. "Not that kind of nervous."

I was about to question what he meant when it suddenly dawned on me. Did I make him nervous because he liked me? My eyes widened; there was no way he like liked me. We had only just meant. Could that be enough time for feelings to develop? Besides, we kept hurting each other's feelings.

Wait. He probably did like me. He had been teasing me this morning and he did spring to take me with him on this adventure. He said he wanted to get to know me better and now I knew why.

I couldn't believe it. I knew I was starting to develop feelings for him-that much was obvious to me. I could go on for hours on how sweet, cute, and funny Niall was. I was head-over-heels when I was typing to Soph. Now that he had practically admitted that he liked me, I felt my opinion shift.

I wasn't ready for any form of relationship. I'm too young and far too weak to handle anything of the sort. If Niall broke my heart I don't know if I'd ever be able to recover. Who was I trying to kid? I wasn't even over Jake yet. Would I ever be?

When I didn't speak, Niall quickly chimed in. "Sorry." His voice seemed grim. "I guess I'm good at making things awkward. Forget I said that. You're just really hot, and hot girls-yeah, well forget it."

I nodded, still staying silent, fighting back sadness. As I walked in place beside him, his words echoed over and over in my mind. He had called me 'hot', not gorgeous or pretty like he had before. Not that I was expecting any compliments, however, the term 'hot' was just so damn degrading. I felt a cold front build up over my feelings for him.

He was no different from any other guy, was he? How could I have even thought he was different? I choked back distaste for myself as my shoes skimmed the gravel. I couldn't believe how ignorant and stupid I was.

He never liked me. He was a boy, and just like any other boy he only cared for my appearance and having sex.

And that was something he would never experience with me.

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