chapter 12

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3:00 pm

Ashley's p.o.v.

we were opening presents. so far i got some dumb things like a box of yarn. like seriously I'm not 95years old with no life. God.

"hey look this says to Ashley from Niall" loren said all childish. i set the little box on my lap and took of the ribbon. i lifted the cover to the box and in side was the beanie i wanted to buy but thought was unreasonably over priced. and a pair of earrings. the earrings were those colored sapphire diamonds that dangle down and it was really really pretty. "so you like it?" Niall asked. and i looked at him. "i love it Niall. thank you so much." i said giving him a hug. "YAY."

about five minutes went by and we were done with my presents and now we were gonna do Lorens. i wonder what Harry got Loren no one told me. and i bet that it's really cool. i bet that there's a necklace involved. because that just seems like him.

we were doing Lorens presents for like five minutes and she hadn't gotten to Harry's.

she opened the last one and it wasn't Harry's.

"how about i go make some lunch." she said standing up and walking into the kitchen. "ill help"

"loren it don't bother you that Harry didn't get u anything." " oh he already explained that to me ." "oh" "so Niall's present was pretty cool." she said and i nodded taking out some sodas. "yea the earrings were beautiful. i hope he didn't spend alot on them though. i mean like its cool an ill use them but i don't want him spending all that on me." i said and Loren nodded. "yea you got a good point." she said taking out some pizza from the fridge. an some plates from the cupboard.

Niall's p.o.v.


"so you got your plan for tomorrow night." Harry asked me and i nodded. "ask Ashley if she wants to hang at my place tomorrow..don't take no for an answer then. then get some nandos and ask if she would like to be my girlfriend." "good Niall. but don't be afraid. shes going to say yea. were gonna say we have an interview after lunch and were going to leave so loren can butter Ashley up." Harry said and i nodded. "ok but if she comes with any left over butter on her skin she'll probably. slip out of my kitchen table chair." i said and Harry laughed. "why don't we stop pretending to not understand metaphors. but you gotta tell loren that." he said and i smiled. until a piece of pizza hit Harry's face. then i was on the floor laughing so hard tears were coming out of my eyes and my stomach hurt.

"look Ashley and Niall look identical right now" I heard loren say and Harry laughed. "yea" Harry said and now i was starting to calm down. Harry walked up next to loren. who had a plate in her hand with one slice of pizza on it since the other one is one the floor after it hit Harry's face. "yea and now were going to look the same way" Harry said cheekily picking up Lorens pizza and taking a bit of it then smearing it all over her face. "" she said really slowly. now me and Ashley were laughing and loren looked at Harry. and he had a giant smirk on his face.

Loren's P.O.V.

when Harry put that pizza on my face i was so shocked that he did that "" i said slowly and looked at him. he had a smirk on his face and his dimples were showing and his eyes were staring down at me. i felt butterflies in my stomach. and i looked down at my plate. "Harry what time do we have to leave for the interview?" Niall asked and Harry looked at his watch."well if we don't leave now we'll be late. thanks for almost lunch" Harry said walking out the door Niall trailing behind him.

"loren and Harry sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g. first comes love then comes marriage then comes a addition to the one direction family. ohmygod and Ashley becomes an aunt." she said and i threw my pizza that was on the floor at her. "what about you and Niall." "i don't know what about me and Niall?" "you to are going to date trust me. i have a feeling I'm going to be the aunt." "what no me and Niall aren't even dating." "me and Harry aren't dating." "well you guys are alot closer. Niall doesn't even like me." "Harry don't like me." "loren hes practically in love with you." "ok Ashley i cant believe I'm going to do this but i have to. i really don't want you to look like an idiot or Niall to be sad so I'm just going to say it. Niall has a crush on you." i said and Ashley's mouth dropped. "n-n-Niall likes me" she asked and i nodded. "OMG I'M FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW. CAN YOU BELIEVE LIKE 5 MONTHS AGO WE WERE UNDER IMPRESSION WE WERE NEVER GOING TO MEET ONE DIRECTION AND NOW NIALL LIKES ME I'M I'M I'M OMG." "Ashley calm down. heres a question. what would you say if Niall asked you to be his girlfriend?" "id say yup" well ok no longer need to do anything.

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