chapter 32

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well its just been like a billion years since this story was updated now maybe i should update it??

yea ok i will

i have no clue what happened last so if this is confusing...sorry


Loren's pov

"tell me loren pleaseeeeee" "Harry i cant" i said to the boy in front of me on his knees. "but why cant you tell me where you and Louis went?" "fine you wanna know? might wanna sit and Louis have been keeping a secret from you and everyone else....we leave every once in a while because we have a guy" he looked so confused. "a guy...what kind of guy?" "he sells us pot and we go smoke it behind the Wal-Mart up the street"

Harry's eyes went wide.

"you... and Louis....and this guy....? LOUIS COME IN HERE!!! WERE GOING TO REHAB!!! i will not let this addiction take your lives." "um loren what's he talking about?" "Louis its ok the secrets out now" "oh yea that we smoke pot behind the Wal-Mart"

yes me and Louis planned this out

"i cant believe you to" the door swung open to reveal a Liam. "hey what's going on?"

"Liam.." Harry grabbed his shoulders "do you know why those to leave all the time? huh? do ya? huh? i didn't think so!....go ahead you to explain to Liam what you have been doing" he crossed his arms and i looked at Louis then back at Liam. "what have you guys done?"

"well i don't know about any of you guys but what i wanna do is Ashton" i said throwing him a wink since he was walking behind Liam. "what the hell" Harry said. Ashton walked up to us. "hey heard my name" he said "get away Ashton" Harry grunted as Ashton walked away i jumped on Liam. "ASHTON ILL SEE YOU TONIGHT" Liam pushed me on the floor. "loren mind telling me why you wanna do Ashton and not me?" "Harry its just long concert nights and alot of time with Ashton...something just sparked and now yea.. I'm sorry it had to be this way" i put my hand on his shoulder. "first your smoking weed now your cheating on me with Ashton." "YOUR SMOKING WEED?" Liam's eyes widened and Louis started laughing. then i started laugh.

"how is that funny" "how isn't it funny?" Louis said and i nodded.

then Niall walked by crying. "guys.." "oh my God Niall what's wrong?" "ash-Ashley she broke up with me" he sniffed. "WHAT?" i pushed him aside and ran down to Ashley and Niall's room.

"you broke up with Niall?" i said shaking the living piss out of her. "um yea about that" she murmured. i started shaking her again "what do you mean um yea about didn't even bother to tell me you were gonna do that!!! what the helllllllllllllll" i said and she broke from my grasp.

then Niall came running down the hallway picked her up and she giggled yelling back to me. "GUESS WHO'S GETTING SOME TONIGHT!"

what the fuck?

those to have mental issues.

then again i probably shouldn't be saying anything.

"loren there on to us we gotta run" Louis grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall.

pulling me into the elevator and pushing a button "what do you mean there on to us" "they asked if we really smoke weed and i said i need a blunt and ran"

i mouthed wow and we hit the ground floor and ran out into the crowd of screaming fans.

words were exchanged mean and nice i swore at like 5 people and when a girl told me to go to hell i told her to kiss my Irish ass and laughed and said what ass and i said your mistaking me for yourself stuck my tongue out and found Louis again.

hahaha I'm amazing.

don't mess with me


omg I'm so lame...but I'm awesome.

like batman.

that's right bitchez I'm batman..step aside.

"maybe we should just get Eleanor" "wha" "you said that's right bitchez...I'm batman...step aside. and i said how bout we just get Eleanor." "oh yea lets get Eleanor..."


"so when you going to do it?" "i was thinking at the airport.." "like now?" he nodded.

"ok here's my plan...."

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