Chapter 3

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^Rose Woodson^

"Cause if I stand up I'll break my bones and everybody loves to see a fall unfold"

Cold, gentle hands shake my shoulders, causing me to blink my eyes open. The pain shooting through my back telling me that I had definitely fallen asleep in a weird position.

I look into cold, blue eyes. Mrs.Reynolds. Her long blonde hair falls over her shoulders, taken out of her pony tail she had up earlier. She looks tired and stressed-whatever Kol had said to her wasn't good.

"He's been asking for you ever since he's awoke, we're finished here. Goodnight, Ava."

I nod, standing to my feet, her hands drop from my shoulders as she turns to her husband who looks beyond pissed. Coach K is no where in sight.

Mr. Reynolds says nothing to me, like always and grabs his wife's arm, pulling her out of the hospital.

Something had went wrong.


"Ava?" Kol asks from his hospital bed. He looks overly huge in the pale blue bed, almost like an alien in another world.

I give him a soft smile, hurriedly running to his side, the tears already streaming down my face. I fall into his arms, gripping his biceps tightly. All the stress of having him gone rushing back to me.

"I'm so sorry." I mumble into his neck, straddling his waist and holding his torso.

He rubs my back, all of the tension suddenly leaving me,"For what?"

I shrug, "I don't know-your mom thinks it's my fault so I guess I'm thinking that too."

Kol pulls me closer, giving me a soft, reassuring kiss, "When something doesn't go her way she finds others to blame it on, I've grown to get used to it."

I lay my forehead against his pecks and breath, "What happened, Kol? You were acting so weird and then you disappeared into that alley," my bottom lip quivers, "I heard you scream and then the next thing I know I see you passed out against a wall in a pool of blood." Warm tears run down my face now, making my already swollen eyes bigger.

Kol lifts my chin with his finger, making me look up at him. He wipes at my tears and tightens his grip on my waist, "Ava, if I tell you it will only sound crazier than it looked."

I frown in confusion and sit up, "What are you talking about?"

Kol sighs heavily and sits up a little, moving me onto his lap, "Did you hear anything before I screamed?"

My brain carriers off into remembrance of that night but I don't remember much beside him screaming, the sound of his screams will forever be etched in my mind, "No."

"I didn't either until I turned to walk back to you. I have no idea why I walked into that alley, I just had the weirdest feeling that if I did it'd answer all my questions." He whispers the last part and looks up at me as if waiting for me to laugh.

I would've, but it wasn't the craziest thing I've ever heard-growing up with my grandma introduced me to many crazy things and this barley scratched the surface. The main reason I understood him was because I'd gone through the same thing. When my father died I had multiple dreams a night of waking up in the woods with yellow eyes staring at me through the trees and bushes. Every bone in my body told me to follow it, I could hear whispers calling out to me, saying, 'It wasn't an accident' over and over again. And the strangest part the voices sounded just like my grandmother's voice. The dream would always end the same too, me walking towards the eyes only to be pulled back by tree roots grabbing my arm and taking me away from the yellow eyes. I even started to believe after a while that my father couldn't of died from a car accident, his injuries didn't match up.

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