Chapter 4

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^John Manes^

"I'm a bullet in a loaded gun"

Kol looks over at me, his eyes giving away everything he was thinking. He was scared, because he thought he was the only one that saw something last night but came to find out he wasn't. I knew there was something else that happened only a few hours ago but hadn't pushed, if he wanted to share he would.

He turns back to John, motioning for him to continue.

John gives us a bright smile, like a kid on Christmas. He crosses his legs and sits back in the uncomfortable hospital chair-I knew due to having to sit in it for hours, "Well to state the obvious you were attacked last night."

Kol nods, his hands unconsciously reaching to the bandage on his neck, "Did someone tell you?"

John gave us a strained smile and shakes his head, "Not exactly, you see, Kol- I planned it."

Kol moves to grab John but my hand shoots out, pushing him back. I didn't know why I did it, really, I would have loved to see Kol take John out. I had been accused of the attack being my fault by Kol's parents and I had worried all night about something my grandmother told me, going out of my mind to only be told that it was a planned attack by one of his friends that we so happened to see that same night. I held Kol back, though, knowing that whatever John was about to say would change our lives forever, I had the strangest feeling.

John nods at me, as if thanking me and remained relax, as if he just wasn't about to be attacked by a 6'7 man full of muscle, "I didn't mean for it to frighten you, I'd hoped it'd go by smoothly and that you wouldn't put up a fight."

Kol's blues eyes cut over John, looking him up and down, sizing him up, "Of course I did. I felt someone grab me."

I gasped, turning my full attention to Kol, ignoring John who tried to continue talking, "You didn't tell me you fought whoever attacked you. Oh, Kol, why didn't you call to me?"

Kol looks to me, his blue eyes wide, "And risk your life? I don't think so."

John laughs from where he's seated, watching us two bicker at each other, "The irony of this is that you were never meant to be severely hurt. Just one quick bite to the neck and the transfer of blood would do it..." John grits his teeth, "My...assistant got carried away."

Kol growls, sounding almost animalistic that I flinch away from him, John's smile widens though, "I see you're transitioning fast, just as I guessed. I knew I didn't go wrong with you."

Kol gives John a blank look, clenching his fist, "Tell me why the hell you attacked me and stop fucking talking to yourself."

John shrugs, suddenly standing to his feet, "But I'd rather show you." He reaches out quickly grabbing me by the hair and pulling me back against his chest causing me to cry out in pain, my hand being torn from Kol's grasp. Kol growls loudly like before but sounds harsher and more deadlier this time. He yells as I see his canine teeth start to grow, I cover my mouth with my hand and watch as the man before me slowly begins to grow large fangs and fingernails. An image of a lycan flashes in my mind from a book my grandmother used to read to me at night.

Kol shoots out of the bed at inhuman speed and grabs John by the neck, causing him to release my hair. As I tumble to the floor I see Kol throw John against the wall, his hands tightly wrapped around his neck. I remain on the floor, unable to move, unable to stop the monster that had overcame my boyfriend. I scream out in shock as John moves fast and grabs Kol's wrists, catching Kol by surprise, he took the opportunity to throw him off of himself. Kol hits the opposite wall, breathing hard, his chest moving up and down. He looks down at me and I gasp again, his once blue eyes now a bright yellow, something you'd only see in a movie, "Kol?" I whisper, finally finding my voice.

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