Chapter Four

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I watch as Ace takes off in a sprint disappearing out into the open field creating miles between us. I wipe the stray tears that threaten to fall from my eyes. Why am I crying? I turn walking back towards the house. As I make my way up the front porch I hear a car pull in along the gravel driveway behind me. I turn to see a big black truck the driver side door swings open and Jax steps out. My heart flutters he sure is easy on the eyes. He grabs a duffle bag out of the back seat and slings it over his shoulder sounding the alarm on his truck. He's dressed in all black—boots, jeans, T-shirt and a black leather jacket. His green eyes seem to glow in the purple light from the sun beginning to set.

"Hey there beautiful" he smiles embracing me into a tight hug picking me up off of my feet

His gesture causes me to laugh and I am hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia. I feel like I've known him forever. He smells like fresh linen and pine trees. Clean and clear. So.... familiar.

"Ahh your laugh is music to my ears. I missed the sound so much" he gushes setting me back down on my feet we both turn when we hear a throat clear

My grandmother stands behind the screen door with a smirk on her face and an eyebrow raised. I can feel my face heat as I move a couple of inches away from Jax.

"Come on in you two, you'll catch a cold" the door creaks when she opens it wide for us

"Thank you Ms. Val" Jax smiles warmly at her taking my hand to lead me in

Grandmother leads us into her living room then disappears through a door that connects to the kitchen. I see a soft glow of orange light and can hear the crackle of fire. By now the sun has since been replaced by the moon I yawn feeling exhausted from my eventful day. Jax and I sit down on the brown leather sectional sofa. My mind wanders to Ace.. his violet eyes so familiar yet so distant. I feel sadness tug at my chest for him. I feel bad that he got his hopes up again today and that I still cannot remember anything. Jax reaches over running his thumb over my knuckles bringing me out of my thoughts. I look up to meet his burning green eyed gaze.

"Did you have a vision?" Jax asks

"Um no" I frown looking down at our hands I suddenly feel guilty for thinking about Ace when I am around Jax for some reason I feel like if he knew what my thoughts were it would break his heart

"Harper are you ready for the potion?" Grandmother comes in taking a seat in the chair across from me her lips hold a knowing smile and for a second I wonder if shes heard my thoughts.. of course she has.

I nod grabbing the pink vile from her I gulp nervously  "what if this doesn't work?"

She smiles "This potion is a small dose it may take a few tries. I don't want to give you too much of a headache. Goddess knows what could happen."

"What could happen?" Jax perks up

"With her abilities if she had a big enough headache she could cause mass destruction. Tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes. Anything" she laughs and I can't tell if she is being serious or if it's to scare Jax I think it's both "The memories are going to be overwhelming you have 17 years worth." She pats my leg standing up disappearing back into the kitchen

Jax turns to me taking my hand into his "Harper, are you sure about this? I could just help you. Anything you want to know I'll tell you"

I stare down at the pink vile in my hand weighing my options.. I want to know who I am.. I want to remember. I don't think I could live off of just Jax telling me the only memories he has of me. The memories that we share but they are also not truly mine and I also have this yearning.. this longing to remember Ace. It's unexplainable I know there is history between us there has to be for him to be so visibly upset with me. Jax's memories will not be able to fulfill the raw feeling I have being around Ace. I look back up to Jax's concerned eyes.

"I love how willing you are to help me but I need to do this." I say taking a breath throwing back the liquid in the pink vile before I change my mind

The cool liquid slides smoothly down my throat tasting like raspberry. So sweet. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Potions seem like they would taste like how they sound. A memory potion seems like it would taste harsh considering how hard it is to bring back memories. Jax watches me carefully I don't feel any different..

"Well?" He finally asks

I shrug "nothing yet"

"She said it was a low dose so it could take the whole night"

I purse my lips looking down at my hands "I guess I half expected that it would work like magic.." I look up at Jax and smirk "Ironic isn't it?"

He chuckles "I'm sorry that it wasn't what you had hoped. Shit I hoped for more." His green eyes are intense causing me to look away

"Maybe if you tell me a little about yourself leading up to how we met? Maybe it could help make the potion work faster?" I bring my knees up to my chest resting my back against the arm of the couch so that I am facing Jax he nods

Resting my chin on my knees I watch as Jax comes to life starting off with his favorite memories he's very charismatic as I listen to him tell every detail of this girl he once knew my mind cannot help but drift from his memories to Ace. Wishing I could somehow heal his pain. I feel my eyes get heavy as I slowly lose my fight to sleep. I doze off to the sound of Jax's voice along with the crackling of the fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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