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I can hear birds chirping all around me there's a running stream of water near by. The smell of fresh rain and wet moss fills my nostrils I inhale deeply. The wind blows across my skin welcoming the crisp air. I lay on moist ground I move my fingers carefully feeling grass beneath me. I open my eyes to a bright fall sky. Where am I? I sit up and look around i'm in the middle of a clearing of a forest. I groan holding a hand to my head it's throbbing. What the hell happened to me? I get up from the ground standing on wobbly legs like a newborn baby learning to walk for the first time. I gain my balance taking in my surroundings once more. I have no clue where to even go. I see shadows moving amongst the tree's I hear a gun click as I approach the entrance of a path. I look around for the person with the gun.

"Hello?" I say my voice rings "I know someone is there could you help me?" I ask

There's movement then all of sudden a very large tall man jumps down from the tree above me. He's dressed in all black head to toe. He looks to be young but apparently he's old enough to be carrying around a gun. He has light brown hair under the black beanie hat he's wearing his blue eyes look me over. Im sure I look like a mess. I check my appearance brushing off my white dress it has little grass stains on it. I shake out my hair to make sure there's no grass or leaves. I hear shuffling in tree's above us. The sounds inform me that i'm surrounded by men with guns.

"You smell like a witch" he sniffs the air

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion is that a new term for human girls? "I need help"

He scuffs "what would you need help from the Cigna pack for?"

Cigna Pack? "I don't know who you are or where I am I just-"

He holds up his hand cutting me off "don't play your bullshit with me what's your name? Who sent you?" He demands

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion my mind drawing a blank.. wait.. What is my name?


Knock Knock

Why am I always waken up by someone banging on my door? I cover my head with my pillow growling

"Leave me the hell alone!" I shout

I hear my door slam open. I growl throwing my pillow jumping up off of my bed quickly getting ready to bite whoevers head off for not following my orders when I come face to face with Jax

He holds his hands up in front of him "Ace man" he breathes heavily trying to catch his breath his complexion is pale like he's seen a ghost

"This better be good Jax" I growl

He takes deep breath in putting a hand on his hip and let's his breath out "Ace you need to come with me" he huffs "It's urgent you have to see this"

"See what?!" I shout

"Just fucking come on trust me we have to go to the clearing"

A pain shoots through my chest "but I can't go back there" I whisper

"Ace man just trust me please" he steps forward his eyes begging me

I flex my jaw trying to decide if I could handle it or not "Fine" I growl grabbing a t-shirt I switch my shorts for a pair of black jeans and grab my black leather jacket

This better be worth my time or i'm going to behead Jax for putting me through that pain, that hole in hell that I just dug my way out of.

I step out of Jax's truck and follow him down the path that leads to the clearing. I breathe in and out slowly trying to keep myself calm as memories of that horrible day six months ago threaten to come back. I admit i'm still a mess without.. Her but I finally found peace within myself knowing that the way I was living my life without her was the way she wouldn't want me to after all, she did risk her life for me. What would that have counted for? if I rid myself of my life. Instead Ive been living as if she's still alive. We make our way to the entrance of the clearing where i'm surrounded by my sniper guards. The head sniper Zachary approaches me.

"Sir i'm sorry I brought you out here"

"Just tell me what the hell is wrong" I snap looking around Jax seems to have disappeared

"There's been a trespasser she's a witch I don't know what happened there was a bright flash and then she appeared"

"She?" I ask the familiar sharp pain hits me

He nods and steps aside everyone following him. My heart picks up speed at the sight in front of me. I blink rapidly not believing the creature before my eyes. My breathing accelerates as my wolf comes to life from his depressed slumber. The first in 6 months. Her luscious wavy white blonde locks cascade around her she's wearing one of the guards black jacket's around her shoulders and a warm beverage held in a to go cup in her tiny perfect hands. She looks as beautiful as ever. The familiar scent of honey blended with roses hits my senses but its somewhat different. There's something missing about her. I stare in shock not believing the person who stands in front of me. This has to be another one of my dreams. I about ask someone to pinch me when those big crystal clear blue eyes look up at me causing me to gasp.

"Harper" I breathe FUCK.

Forever Yours (You'll Be Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now