Chapter One

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck...I stand there looking at her not sure what to think or feel. Fuck I haven't felt in months.. and now all of my feelings are rushing to the surface. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. Harper, my wolf growls. I take a step closer there's so much I want to say but I can't push the words out of my mouth. I can only stand here with my mouth agape soaking in her angelic features and feeling the familiar warmth radiating from her body. I am in complete shock this can't be real. It feels real but it cant be. No, I was there I held her lifeless body in my arms. I watched the life in her disappear and I buried her myself next to my father. I stand there staring at her like a complete idiot. Im afraid to move any closer.. afraid that she'll disappear right in front of me. I suck in a breath forcing myself to get closer to her I just have to know. My hands itching to touch that pouty bottom lip that rests on the rim of the cup. They twitch at my sides and I refrain from reaching out. I crave to touch her smooth creamy white skin. Her big blue eyes burn into me the familiar warmth I always found there shines bright. I listen closely to her heart beat flutter. I hear her teeth chattering as she pulls the coat tighter around herself, she's cold.  My body automatically begins to heat for me to warm her. My eyes move down once again to those soft plump pouty lips that bring back so many memories making my lips hungry for their soft touch. All of these months I've been a starved man, desperate for her..craving her presence. I'd gave anything for this moment right now. I squat down in front of her, her eyes widen I reach up running my thumb along her full bottom lip. Appreciating the softness of her lip against my thumb pad. I sigh in relief a breath that I feel like I've been holding since she died in my arms. She's warm. Not a walking corpse like the image that my dark thoughts began to flood my mind with.. or a dream.

"Harper" I whisper still in shock that she feels so real

She smiles against my fingers "yeah that's what they keep calling me" she nods at Jax and the guards

I scrunch my eyebrows "do you know who I am?" I question

Oh please remember me... Don't do this to me...

She frowns looking down thinking hard then looks back up at me gazing up into my eyes but not with the look she use to give me.

She shakes her head "I'm sorry I dont. Should I?"

I sigh this can't be her this is some deploy some sick trick being played on me to punish me for not protecting her the way I should have. Its just someone that looks just like her. I fist my hands in the ground she's got the same damn scent it has to be her. She's just so different at the same time. I stand back up turning to face Jax and the guards. My mind already made up.

"Take her to my mother and figure out where she came from. I want her gone and out of my sight by Monday. That's an order" I tell Scott the head of my snipers. He nods.

"Let's go Jax" I begin to walk back to the truck while Jax just stands there for a moment dumbfounded by my decision I take it, but I don't give a fuck my heads so messed up right now. I need to figure this shit out I'm not going to let myself get attached to this girl just to lose Harper all over agian. I won't and can't repeat that, I need to move on. She would want me to.

"Ace! Ace!" Jax catches up to me blocking my way

"What!" I growl at him

"How could you just dismiss her like that?!"

"She's not Harper, Harper died in my arms I saw it with my own eyes Jax. I don't know who that girl is."


"But nothing Jax she's not my Harper! She could be a threat to all of us for all we know! Keep her hidden from Heidi and Ginger we don't need to put them through this again" for the first time in six months my wolf is awake and ready to run "I'm going for a run I'll meet you at the pack house" I throw my shirt off feeling my body ready to shift

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