Chapter Two

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I follow the guy named Jax down to the end of the upstairs hallway to a door on the right. Looking around as we walk everything looking so familiar.

"After you cutie" he smiles warmly at me his forest green eyes crinkling as he ushers me into the room

I blush at his nickname that he's been calling me all day "thank you"

I walk in past him taking in the humongous office. There are bookcases everywhere along the walls filled with books. A huge mahogany desk sits against the wall to my left stacked with papers and a closed laptop on top. I run my fingers over the top of the large black desk chair its about four inches taller than me. My fingers tingle I gasp a vision pops into my head of the unfriendly man from earlier with those familiar violet eyes smiling a dashing smile at me. I quickly remove my hand as the vision disappears. I observe my hand wondering how the hell I just did that.

"Harper" a woman gasps

I look up to a very lovely older lady with graying black hair and the same violet eyes as that man they call Ace looking at me from by the window. She turns pale like she's seen a ghost somehow I can feel her anxiety radiating off of her. I have an urge to calm her down but I keep my distance. I'm not sure if she's here to hurt me or help me. She looks frantically over at jax.

"How is this possible who is she?"

"Calm down Mrs. Reynolds I know what it looks like"

"What it looks like? Jax she looks just like Harper. Is it? Is she?" She looks between Jax and I panicking

"I believe she is Ace doesn't but who else could she be? I mean she looks and smells just like her! She just doesn't know who she is and I need your help"

Mrs. Reynolds stares at me her hand against her chest "there's no way this is possible" she shakes her head disbelieving

Jax grabs her by the shoulders "please listen to me. The snipers found her in the field where the battle happened, where she died they said its like the sky opened and she appeared." He pleads her "you have to help me make Ace believe if he believes and becomes involved maybe she'll get her memories back, she'll remember that she's Harper"

Mrs. Reynolds scrunches her face in worry "I don't know if I can do that to Ace, Jax, do you want him to lose Harper all over again? If she showed up that easy she could be gone just like that"

He groans running his hands through his hair tugging at the roots "if someone would just listen!" He screams in frustration

"I'll listen" A voice rings

We all turn to an older woman standing in the doorway a surge hits me causing me to take a step back. I can feel this woman's power its electricfying. She looks over at me with warm brown eyes smiling her eyes wrinkling in the corners. Her long silver hair braided over her shoulder, she walks up to me her and I are nose to nose she grabs ahold of my hands the gesture seems so familiar her touch seems comfortable to me just like Jax calling me cutie and that guy Ace his thumb grazing my lower lip. Suddenly her eyes glow white as she chants a weird language I try to pull away from her to run away from this crazy lady but she has a death grip on me. Her eyes go back to normal and I freeze looking at her wide eyed.

She smiles cupping my cheek "I knew you'd come back" she chuckles "you're stubborn that way"

"So I was right its Harper" Jax asks the crazy old lady hopeful

She turns nodding at him "indeed"

Jax jumps in the air running to me and picking me up swinging me around I can't help but giggle putting my hands on his shoulders. He finally sits me down back on my feet and Mrs.Reynolds comes over to me arms open tears in her eyes.

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