Am I Alone? (Chapter 2)

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~Kat's P.O.V.~

I wake up in a hospital bed. "Why I'm I here?" I ask. "Your here because you need a home and somewhere safe to live," the doctor said. "So I'm living here?" I ask. "No. You will be taken to a foster home," the doctor replied. "What about my brother?" I ask. "Do you mean Carter Singer?" The doctor asked me. "Yes. He is my 14 year old brother," I  said. "Well then both of you will go to the foster home," the doctor said. "Is my brother here?" I ask. "Yes he wants to see you," the doctor said," I'll send him in." Just then to doctor walked out of the door and Carter came running in. "Kat. Are you ok? What happened?" Carter asked. "Alex. Emma. They beat me," I said. "Don't worry sis. They are never going to see you again. It's going to be like you fell off the face of the earth," Cater said. "Ok," I said. The doctor came back in the room. "I have found a foster home for you two," the doctor said. "FOSTER HOME?!?!?!?!?!?!" Carter exclaimed. "Yes. You and your sister are going to a foster house," the doctor said,"I have 2 guys that are going to your house to get all your guys things," the doctor said,"Your foster mom and dad will be here in about 10 minutes."

~Ten minutes later~

"They are here," the doctor said. So I got of the bed, changed clothes and head out of the hospital room. Carter was waiting for me. "Let's go meet our new hell of a parents," Carter said. So we walked down the hall turned the corner and I saw the most handsome guy I ever saw. He had on a green day t-shirt and black jeans, and his hair is like a dirty blonde, but his eyes. His eyes are like 2 mini pools of chocolate. Him and his parents walked up to us. "Hi. I'm Jaxon and this is Vera my wife," the man said, "We are your foster parents." "I'm Ryan nice to meet you," the boy said as he held out his hand. Carter and I shook his hand. "Hello. I'm Carter and this is my sister Kat," Carter said. "Hello. Kat and Carter," Vera said, "I feel so sorry for want you two went through." "Vera. Kat and Carter are not our friends. They are children," Jaxon said. "Let's just go home," Vera said. "Ok, let's go," Jaxon said walking to the door. Ryan followed his dad and Vera followed close behind. Carter started to walk. So joined them. We walked out of the hospital and to a mini van. "You two will start school with Ryan tomorrow. Ryan will show you around the neighbourhood and the school," Jaxon said. I can tell that Ryan hates his dad and loves his mom. And I can also tell that Jaxon runs the family. Then we got into the car and drove to their home. 

~Skips time~

"This is the school. It's just a shack in the backyard. Not that exciting," Ryan said. "Ok," Carter said. "This is our room. Us kids get one room. So we all have to share everything," Ryan said. "Everything?" I asked. "Yes everything. Well everything except clothes," Ryan responded. "So we get one bed, one bathroom, and one room?" Carter asked. "Yep, " Ryan said. "Don't try anything funny with my sister. I'm being a nice brother and trusting you with her," Cater said. "I promise that you can't trust me," Ryan said. "Carter. Stop being a dad. You need to be a kid. You don't have to grow up for me," I said. "Ok. I'll be my age for a while. I promise I won't grow up to fast," Carter said. "Oh and my dad forgot to tell you this. Went you 18 your kicked out of his house. So you and Carter better find a home before then," Ryan told us. "Just the foster kids or you too?" I asked. "Me too. I also am going to get kicked out went I turn 18," Ryan said. "Why? Why does your dad do that?" Carter asked. "He just thinks that you should be grown up by then," Ryan said. "KIDS GET TO SLEEP!" Jaxon yelled. "OK GOODNIGHT DAD!" Ryan yelled back. "Night time is just the time we have to stay in the room to get homework done," Ryan said. "Ok," Carter said, "I'm kind of sleepy so I'm going to bed." "Ok fine be boring. Your sister and will be out partying intil midnight," Ryan said. "Oh no. Kat is not going anywhere," Carter said. "Chill out big brother. I'll be fine. Who's party is it? I asked Ryan. "It this girls party. It's her 11th birthday," Ryan responded and showing me a picture of Emma. "Ryan. That's the girl that put me in the hospital," I whispered into his ear. "Ok that I'll protect you," he whispered back.

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