Am I Alone? (Chapter 3)

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~The Party~

Ryan and I had to sneak out to go to the party. "You ready?" Ryan asked. "I guess," I replied. So he took my hand and we walked into Emma and Alex's house. "Hey Ryan man. I'm glad you came. I'm going to need a ride home," some guy said. "No. I'm not going to give you a ride. Just go hit on a girl and she will take you home," Ryan said. "So this is a party? Loud music and drunk high schoolers?" I asked. "Ya. Pretty much," he said. We walked to the kitchen and I saw Emma. "Hey Em. Thanks for inviting me to the party. What are we celebrating?" Ryan asked. "Well there was this girl and her brother who Alex and I bullied and now they moved away to like a foster home," Emma explained. "So you are celebrating getting rid of her?" Ryan asked. "Ya. Duh," Emma said, "Do you want a drink?" "Sure. I want two," Ryan said. "Ok. Here you go," Emma said as she gave him the drinks. "Dance floor," Ryan whispered. So I walked out to the dance floor. He gave me a drinks and we drank and danced all night. Until I passed out.

~2 A.M.~

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 2 a.m. So I told Ryan we had to go. So we ran to his house and climbed in though the window. We quickly got into bed. His dad wakes us up at 9 a.m. So we slept till then.

~9 A.M.~

"GET UP!!!!" Jaxon yelled. So I got up and showered to get the  smell of me. Then I changed into a black top, pants, and SnapBack. "Looking hot today," Carter said. "Really?" I said turning around to see him standing there. "Yes. How was the party?" He asked. "It was great. Alex and Emma didn't know that I was there," I said. "Ok. That's good. Wrists?" He asked. Carter always checks my wrists after I almost died because I was cutting. "Fine. Here," I said showing him my wrists. "Clear. Clear. Clear. Faded. Faded. Faded. And clear," Carter said, "Come here." Carter pulled me in for a hug. He kissed the top of my head. "HEY! NO HUGGING!" Jaxon yelled at us. "Hey can I make a phone call?" I asked. "Yes but only one," Jaxon said. So Jaxon pulled Carter down stairs and I was left alone to make my call. I called child protection services. (M ~ me & C ~ child protection services)

M~ Hello.

C~ Hello. What is your problem.

M~ My name is Kat and my brother is named Carter Singer. We were sent to the  and they have one child named Ryan.

C~ Ok. Please state your problem with the  .

M~ They trap us in the house and let us have no social life.

C~ It's just something parents do to keep there children safe.

M~ Please can you come and check it out.

C~ Yes. We always do.

M~ Ok. My location is 1999 274th Ln SF, CA

C~ Ok. We are sending someone now.

M~ Ok. Thank you.

C~ You're welcome. Do you have any questions?

M~ Yes I do. What will happen to us if they take us away from the .

C~We will find a safe house for you three.

M~ Ok that's all. Bye.

C~ Bye.

"Get off the phone and get down here," Jaxon yelled. "Ok," I yelled back. So I ran down stairs to see Jaxon standing there. "Put this on," he said. "What?" I asked. "I said. Put this on," he said. "Ok?" I said. I so I walked into the bathroom and changed into the thing that he gave me. It liked covered nothing. I walked back out to see Carter and Ryan in a outfit that covered nothing too. "Kat and Ryan come here," Jaxon said. So Ryan and I walked over to him. "Kat. Suck my sons dick. And fuck him," he said. I was going to do what I was told. But I heard something from the out side. "Child Protection Services. Open up now. You know you are there," someone said. So Jaxon opened the door. Some guy tackles him and a wonderful woman told us to do change into something different and that we are going somewhere else. "Let's go," Carter said as he grabbed Ryan's and my wrists. We ran up stairs and packed. "Ready to go?" The woman asked. "Yes," we all reply in union.  "Good let's go," she said as we all walked out of the door and into a bulletproof van. "So you are Kat Singer. Carter Singer and Ryan  ," she asked. "Yes. I called this morning," I said. "I'm so glad you called," Carter said hugging me. "What was he making you guys do?" The lady said. "He was making us have sex and  trapping Carter in a cellar," Ryan said. "I see, and does this happen every day?" She asked. "We'll before we got them. My father would trap me in the cellar for a week. With out checking on me," Ryan said. "Well don't worry. We are sending you somewhere safe," she said. "Are we going to another family?" Carter asked. "No you guys will be your own family," she said, "You guys will be free to what ever you want." "So we can party, drink, get girls pregnant and smoke weed?" Ryan asked. "No. You can't. I have some rules that you have to follow. But otherwise you can do what you want," the lady said. "Ok. Thanks good. I guess," I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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