My Life Makes Your's Look Like a Piece of Cake

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well, here i go again. These characters were invented in a role play with my dear friend purpleemopanda7... again... i'll put some with my other friends too eventually... well, hope ya like!!!


Death is something frequent for me. I'm used to it now, especially since I'm the one who killed them. I'm a monster in a teenage body, well, a cat-eared teenage body. Yeah, it's a lot to explain.

Basically, my dad was an evil scientist who wanted to 'rule the worlld' or something. Crazy, right? Well, he used his only son and experimented on him, turning him into a psychotic killer with a lust for blood.

After years of training, he had gotten what he wanted. I could kill. I knew how to kill. Fun, huh? The only problem was that when I get angry, I can't control myself. And soon enough, whoops, I snapped and there goes my dad. He couldn't control me and I killed him. Not really my fault...

Anyway, I'm on my own now. What's past is the past. No turning back now!

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"Hey, Harley! Wake up!"

I lifted my head up off the counter to see my cat standing in front of my face.

"Leave me alone. I'm tired," I grumbled, laying my head back down.

Then he jumped on my head and started doing that weird kneading thing cats do.

"Stop it," I growled, swinging at him to knock him off. He just dodged and licked my forehead.

I sat up quickly and he fell to the floor. "Gross," I said. wiping off where he liked me.

"Hey, you fell asleep at the counter again. You were asking for it," My cat said, sitting down.

Yes, he can talk. We're all freaks here. It's just me and the cat, Smokey. He can be annoying sometimes, but I love him.

I shook my head at him and stood up. "Just remember that I'm the one that feeds you. You could find food that real cats eat in your dish if you want."

"Don't you dare!" Smokey said, "Okay, I won't do it again. I promise."

"Thank you," I said, heading toward the fridge for breakfast.

"Can I have some bacon this morning? And maybe an egg or two?" Smokey asked, trotting up to me.

"Only if you plan to cook it," I told him, pulling out a box of frozen waffles.

"But I don't have disposable thumbs. I can't pick up things like you can..."

"Well, all I can tell you is to learn."

Smokey huffed and said, "Fine, be like that. I'm just gonna go catch a mouse." He bounded away and out a window.

I sighed and put three waffles in the toaster. If only Smokey would learn how to behave like a normal cat, things would be so much easier...


I shall be adding on soon!!! Stay in touch!!! Love ya all!! <3333

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