The Funny Thing About Destiny...

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this is actually where the role play started. If u don't get the title of the chapter, just ask me and I'll explain it...


This was normal for me, sitting in a tree listening to music. It calmed me. The wind, the leaves, and the melodies...

Then, suddenly, my foot slipped. I fell down to the ground, but the strange thing was that it wasn't hard. I looked down and met the violet eyes of a girl.

'shoot!' I thought quickly and blushed. My white cat ears folded back in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry," I stuttered and sat back on my feet. I noticed my music player broken on the ground. "Dang it," I grumbled.

"Is something wrong?" The girl asked. Aw, man. Her voice made my heart skip a beat.

I wrapped my tail around my feet nervously and said, "My mp3 player is broken..."

"Oh," She replied, staring at me. Oh, God. I just realized how weird it would be to be knocked to the ground and find a cat boy on to of you. Just play it cool and she might not freak out.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked, stuffing the pieces of my music player in the pocket.

"No, I'm fine," The girl replied as she stood up and dusted off her pants.

I shot up too and outstretched my hand to shake. "My name's Harley," I said, hoping I didn't sound too desperate.

She shook it, thank God, and said with a smile, "I'm Danielle."

Danielle. Her name was so pretty. It matched everything about her. Her eyes, her caramel brown hair, her honey smooth voice, I literally mean everything.

"Um, well, I should go home, I guess," Danielle said. It kind of looked like she didn't want to leave.

"Yeah, um... okay," I said softly, brushing my whitish/grayish hair from my eyes, "Well, see you later, I guess."

"Yeah, see you later," Danielle said and started to walk away. Wait! I don't want to lose her! Think of something, you idiot!

"Hey!" I called after her, "Do you wanna meet sometime tomorrow?"

Danielle turned around and smiled. "Yeah, That'd be nice." Yes! "Where at?" Oh, crap. Think of something...

I smiled at an idea and said, "How about the park?"

"Okay, see you then," She said, "but what time?" She looked really happy.

"Uh, anytime that's good with you..." I replied.

"Oh, okay. Then see you at four," Danielle told me then walked off waving.

I waved back, and when she was out of view, I jumped, fist pumping the air. "Yes!" I yelled as loud as I could. Hook, line, and sinker. I had a date with destiny.


Harley finally met Danielle! :D I'm happy I got this far!!! By the way, there's a reason this is rated PG-13.... purpleemopanda7 wuld know y... u remember? well, adding soon!!! keep commenting or I'll lose motivating!! luv ya all~! <33333

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