Smokey's Visit

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*sigh* working hard in school... i hardly have time to get on here any more... well, at least I'm still writing!!! ha ha XD love u all, my wonderful readers!!!


Man, what a day. I was walking slowly back to my apartment in a daze. And right when I opened the door, something gray and fluffy jumped in my face.

"Ugh. Smokey, would you quit doing that?!" I choked out behind all his hair.

"Sorry. It's habit. It's my instincts," Smokey meowed at me, then jumped to the floor.

I took out the pieces of my broken mp3 player, placed it on the counter, then sat on the couch, sighing.

"What's wrong?" Smokey asked, sitting next to me, "you seem different."

"It's nothing," I said, "I just ran into a girl. Her name's Danielle..." I dropped my head in my hands and groaned. "Why is life so complicated?!"

Then I lifted my head and turned on the TV and curled up on the couch. I thought about Danielle until I fell asleep, and once I did, Smokey snuck out.

He followed scent trails and came to Danielle's house. He jumped up on the windowand looked inside to find a girl sleeping on her bed. Was she Danielle?

Smokey had been siting on the window ceil for a while before she looked up. She sat up and turned off the music, then she noticed Smokey sitting on the window ceil. She almost screamed.

Smokey meowed loudly and pawed at the glassed, then purred and rubbed against it. The only thinking while doing this was, 'This is so embarrassing...'

The girl got up from her bed and walked to the window, sighing. She opened the window for Smokey to get in, which he did. He jumped through the window and landed on the floor.

She was Danielle. Smokey could tell by her scent, so he cleared his throat and said, "So, you're Danielle, the one Harley was talking about."

Danielle's jaw dropped. 'Did that cat just talk to me?' she thought, then asked the cat shocked, "Y-you can talk?" She was surprised she could say anything at all.

"Uh, yea. Who else would be talking to you right now?" Smokey chuckled, then scratched his neck with his hind paw, "So you're the girl Harley was talking about right?"

"Um, Harley? Yeah, I met him today," Danielle told him, still shocked that she was actually talking to a cat.

"Yep! I thought it was you!" Smokey mewed, "He's my owner. We live together. And, just between us, I can tell he likes you. I've lived with him for years, so I can tell."

Danielle blushed at the thought of Harley liking her, but nodded, trying to hide her pink cheeks from the cat. "So, what's your name?" She asked.

"Oh! My name's Smokey," the gray cat said, plopping down on the floor and stretching.

"I like that name," Danielle said, smiling at Smokey since her blush died down. She could tell the cat was making himself comfortable on the floor, so she sat down on her bed.

"Why thank you! Harley named me actually. He likes the name too," Smokey said, then there was a voice outside in the hall.

"Honey, who are you talking too?" Danielle's mom asked through the door.

'Dang it!' Danielle thought. "Um, no one mom! Just a friend on the web cam!" She said quickly, trying to lie to her mom so she wouldn't find Smokey talking.

"Oh, okay," her mom said and left.

Smokey's ears perked up of a moment, then he said, "Harley's calling me. See you tomorrow when you meet Harley in the park." Smokey stood up and jumped back out the window. "Bye!" he called over his shoulder and ran off.\

"Bye," She called out to Smokey as she closed her window. Then she changed into some pj's and went to sleep.


well, hope you guys liked my longest chapter!! love u all! i'll update soon!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2011 ⏰

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