A villians love story

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Soon Carlos then found Marie sitting on a bench at the park. So he went up to her and said hi. She said hi back. Then he asked her "hey um i was wondering if you wanted to come to the enchanted lake with me we could just you know talk and hang out like get to know each other. She said "sure ill go with you". Carlos was happy she said yes. He whispered "yes" so she wouldn't hear it. So they walked to the lake and then they both sat down by the water. But Marie was kinda nervous and Carlos knew she was. He asked her "are you ok"? She then said, "yea I'm fine I'm just nervous i never had a guy ask me to hang out with him. Carlos then put his arm around her and said to her "don't worry its not that bad you probably just had a bad experience". She said "yea i did actually".

A Villians Love Story By:Cassidy LabbatoWhere stories live. Discover now