A villians love story

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So Mal said "Carlos just go talk to her and prove your not one of those villians and this is coming from experience and from your friend". Carlos then said "yeah your right I'm going to go talk to her". So he left and Evie was with Marie and she said "Hey girl are you ok"? Marie then said in tears "No Evie I'm not i really liked Carlos but he didn't tell the truth about him'. Then Evie said "He was nervous to tell you because he thought you wouldn't talk to him after you found out". Marie said "yeah i would still talk to him if he was straight up with me i really liked Carlos, Evie but I just think he likes me as a friend only because all guys do". Then Evie said "he does like you Marie he thinks you are amazing and pretty plus those guys don't know what amazing is but Carlos does". Then Marie stopped crying and said "really he likes me too"? Evie said "yes he really likes you". But then Carlos came and Evie left because she knew what was going to happen. Then Carlos said "Hey I'm sorry if I scared you and I'm not those types of villians. My mom just don't like dogs". Then Marie started laughing and said "really your mom don't like dogs i don't like dogs either i am more of a cat person". Then Carlos said "really I'm more afraid of them but i have a dog name Dude but here's the point".

A Villians Love Story By:Cassidy LabbatoWhere stories live. Discover now