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[Seungcheol's POV]





I just ignored their cheers and just focus on the game. I'm in the ready possition to accept the ball from Jeonghan that with the ball near me.

He passed the ball for me after he make the eye-contact. Quickly, I grab the ball before the opponent get it. Then I focus at the net and shoot the ball into the net focusly.



I swept the wet in my forehead with my hands when suddenly our shortest player, Woozi jump at my back.

"Yahh you little woozi !! What are you doing huh ? You almost broke my back !" I said.

He laugh then he said, "Sorry for that but congratulations for ur shoots. We win the game again with your help again. Kamsaamida !!"

"Hey,, we're a team, right ? We'll not win the game if we're not work as a team," I said.

"Hey, how long do you wanna to stay on my back ?" I ask him. Woozi still didn't get off my back.

"Okay.. okay.. I'll get off. Sorry," He get off my back.

"Well, good job again Seungcheol. We're really proud of you," said Joshua, also the basketball players.

"Kamsaamida," I said and grab a bottle of mineral water to lose my thirst.

"Hey, Captain S.coups, your fans are waiting out there," suddenly Jeonghan appeared with a handkerchief on his hands.

"Fans ? Since when did I have fans ?" I said with a wrinkle on my forehead.

"Lol. You have many fans for a long time backthen. Majority of them are the girls in our school. Don't you know about that ?" Jeonghan asked me. I lost a word. Did he serious ? I ? Have some fans ?

"Are you serious ? Or y'all are planning a joke to prank me ?" I ask curiously.

"Yahh ! For a long period you've got a thousand of fans out there that crazy on you damn much and you didn't realized ? Oh god are you joking or what ?" Said Mingyu.

"Just look at the cheer when the game started. Most of the cheers are for you, Seuncheol. Don't you ever realize about that ?" Ask woozi.

I nod my head, "Yes, I've realized about that cheer for a long time backthen. But I thougt it's for the game so that our team will win in the game. I don't even know that they are crazy on me," I said.

"Woaa woaa hold on, so, you sacrisfied those cheers for you just for the game ? Hey, they're already create a fanclub named 'S.Coupstar' you know ?" Informed Joshua.

"Oh Gosh seriously ? They're really-ii crazy in the critical area," I said.

"Now you've known that you're the most famous among us, and you already know that you have thousands of fans that go crazy on you, so then go and met your fans," said Jeonghan.

"Eh ? For what that I need to meet them ? I'm tired so damn much. Besides, I'm not a Korean idol that always held a fanmeeting. I'm just me, a basketball captain and player," I said and drink my water.

"Aigoo ~ even if you don't want to be closed with them, you still need to appreaciate them for their supports all this while," said Mingyu.

I hold my breath, "Okay.. okay.. I'll thanked them later in my SNS account. Don't worry, I'll appreciate them for their support. Now, just rest and get ready for schools tomorrow," I said and lained my head on the floor.

"Alright," Shout them.

♬▣♪▣♬ ▣♪

[JungAh's POV]

This is my first day in Mansae Highschool. I just transfered from my old school because of my father was transfered his work to this area. Aigoo ~ I missed my bestfriends in my old school already.

I'm walking alone into the school. Searching for the office so that I can ask about my class. After a few minutes searching for the office, finally I find it and I enter the office politely.

"Excuse me, I'm the new student, Kim JungAh. May I know where my class is ?" I ask the female clerk at the counter.

"Ouhh, Miss Kim JungAh. Please wait for a momment, I'll check for your class," she said. Then, she opened a file that contains about student's transferation perhaps.

"This is your class, miss. Welcome to Mansae Highschool," she greeted me and handed me a piece of paper. I guess that paper contents my class and about the school.

"Kamsaamida," I bow at 90 degree and step out from that office. I opened up the paper and read it. Okay, so I am in the Galaxy class. And in that paper contains a map of that school. Thank God there's a map. If the map wasn't there I think I may lost in that huge school lol.

I started to find my new classroom. According to the map, in front of me are the staffroom. near me there's the cafeteria and then the A block that is where my classroom are.

I followed the map to the A block. Oh damn. What a huge block ! This school is really for the giant living. Newbie like me may lost in this huge school. Aigoo ~ I need to ask someone about the direction.

I saw a good-looking man standing in front of his locker while searching for something. Perhaps he can help maybe. I steps to him and greeted him slowly.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm a new student. May I ask you the direction of my class ?" I ask him and tried to be polite as hard as I can. Oh please ~ First impression in the most important thing in communication.

"You have the maps, right ? search it by your own. I'm in rush right now or I'll be late to my class. Sorry," he closed his locker and glance for a moment to me. I pin to read his nametag.

Choi Seungcheol.

He do has a good-looking and may attracts many girls just in a moment if he's not so cool. Betrays on how he talks, makes me freak out lol. He's just too serious and did not friendly at all.

Then he walked away in a very quick walk. Aigoo ~ is he really in a rush ? Didn't he has any time to show me the class direction ? I'm a new student and know nothing about this school. Repeat, I'M A NEW STUDENT AND KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS SCHOOL.

What the hell he is ? Aigoo ~ Very selfish and didn't care about others. I hate him.

But at least he said sorry at the end of his words. Maybe he's not bad at all. hmm..

Then I continued for my new classroom searching. Hopping that my classroom is not so far and I'll met someone else that can give me the direction of my ckass in this huge block.

-To be continued-

Annyeong guys ! This is my first fanfics in english so I'm so sorry if there were broken english and grammar error. I didn't so good in my english. Btw, hope that y'alls enjoy this story ! I write this story based of my interest in basketball and S.coups that played basketball in Mansae MV. Hehehe ~

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