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#the prayforParis, my love goes out to everyone involved and I was crying the other day cause the screams and bombs going off were terrible and heart breaking.

Katniss POV

"Peeta we can't keep having sex every hour of everyday"I pant as I lye next to him in our bed after our shopping trip and swimming.

"I agree but it's too good to say no to, plus we're both frustrated about clove betraying us"Peeta pants next to me and I nod as we all had to talk tonight at dinner. I looked at Peeta and stroked his chest and felt a single hair on it.

"Sweetie?"I mumble knowing I will have fun with that one single chest hair.

"Yeah?"Peeta answers me turning his head towards me and smirks as he obviously thought I was thinking or asking something sexual.

"You have chest hair, one single one ... Right here"I say and pull at it and it comes out making me laugh as he squeals like a little girl.

"So manly"I say and sit up checking the time as we had to go to the beach restaurant soon and nudged peeta as he rubbed his chest.

"Babe grow some balls and get up and dressed"I say standing up slipping on new underwear and going to the wardrobe to get my skort and top out and put them on.


"Why the fuck did you agree on letting them sit down!"Johanna whisper shouts at the table at Annie as she had let clove win.

"I'm sorry, clove was begging and I was a little tipsy after finnick made me taste all them bloody cocktails"Annie answers as me, Peeta , Finnick, Annie, Johanna and Marvel sit around the table waiting for clove and her new gang to arrive.

"Finnick this is your fault then you fucking asshole"Johanna says snapping her head to finnick now.

"You told us to drink though Johanna and you were with us"Finnick saves himself and the face of Johanna was priceless.

"Oh shut up!"Johanna shouts leaning back in her chair as me and Peeta just watch quietly.

"Guys calm down they are coming"Peeta says softly as the drinks come and I take my vodka and Coke taking a gulp not looking at Gale.

"Hello assholes and their girlfriends, and Johanna"Gale greets making Peeta grip on my hand tighten knowing he was mad as Gale had raped me.

"Where's your girlfriend Johanna?"delly teases as well making her and glimmer giggle and sit down wearing slutty dresses.

"She isn't gay, she just to ugly to get a boyfriend "Clove says shockingly making all of them laugh including her new boyfriend Cato.

"I actually have a boyfriend"Johanna says shockingly making us all look at her.

"Who the fuck is it?"Annie asks swearing which made all us smirk as when Annie swore she said it so innocently.

"He is sat right next to me you all dumb shits so you can shut up tweedleslut and tweedleslutter and queen clove of sluts"Johanns says showing her hand holding with marvel.

"Congrats then guys"I mumble and lean my head on Peeta shoulder not looking at anyone except the table and I knew then it will be a long night.


"That was your fault we got kicked out Johanna"Clove spits at Johanna as we all walk back to the same hotel.

"Please you threw that pasta at me so I threw it back and Katniss dumped her drink on you and we got a picture "Johanna spits as we walk inside.

So maybe I snapped and poured my drink on Clove cause she was going on about Gale and how much she loved threesomes and wasn't a virgin like I was when I was friends with them, that sent me over the edge.

"I'm going to my room bye guys "I mumble dragging Peeta behind me as we get to our room I push him on the bed.

"Remember a few hours a go when I said we had sex to much?"I say taking my top off and unbuttoning his.

"Yeah before you got my chest hair"Peeta says looking at me up and down.

"We're going to have sex all night and in the morning we won't fuck all holiday "I say and jump on him and take his shorts off feeling no boxers.

"I'm not sure I can"peeta mumbles as he kisses my neck.

"If you don't agree in getting my own room and you can pleasure yourself for years"I say and grind my hips against him.

"Fine deal"he says and grabs my ass making me moan and pull the cover over us as we fuck all night with all different positions until we fell asleep with him inside of me.

Hey guys I really want to end this book so after maybe 4 chapters left I will write a epilogue, I don't like this book and my writing is crap with it.

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