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picture of Nathan above. (Isn't he beautiful?)


A week later, I found myself stumbling into the house at three in the morning, drunk off my ass. "Cameron!" I yelled, pulling my jacket off my body and tossing it to the floor. "Cammy!"

"V, he's asleep." Nate scolded, as he entered the house behind me, making sure I was safe inside. He was good for some things, I guess. Just as I flopped onto the couch, my twin shuffled into the living room, his hair a mess and arms crossed. "Cam, I'm sorry-"

"Did she drive?" Cam asked, clearly annoyed and concerned.

"No, I drove her here. My friend followed behind in her truck." I heard Nate explain. "She won a lot of money tonight at the fight. She wanted to go out and celebrate and she went a little overboard."

"How overboard?" Cameron asked, walking towards me and pulling my shoes off my feet. Before I could hear Nate's answer, darkness surrounded me, as my eyes closed and I passed out.


The next morning, I felt like shit.

I couldn't remember any of the events that happened last night after me winning my fight and entering a club. After that, everything is hazy.

I sat up, looking around to notice I was in the living room, telling me I didn't make it very far. My shoes were off and placed near the door neatly, while my jacket was laying on the ground in a mess.

What happened last night? I think to myself, running my fingers through my hair and hissing when I catch knots. I cleared my throat, just as my brother walked in, an emotionless look on his face and a glass of water in his hand. "You partied hard last night." He said, handing me the glass and some aspirin. "Some drugs and beer sounds like a good time."

"I didn't-"

"Don't you lie to me, V."

"God, you sound like mom." I groaned, taking the aspirin and the chugging the water. "It's too early for the yelling and the socialization."

"It's two in the afternoon, Vale! You've slept all day! When are you going-"

"Shut up."

"-grow up, get a real job, and get married?"

I snorted, before standing up from the couch and walking away from him. I needed a shower and really didn't want to hear his bitching. "I have one answer to give you. It's a magical word. The most wonderful five letter word on the planet: Never."

"You never want to get married?"

"So I can have a man tell me what to do? Hell no."

"You'll change your mind." I scoffed, before I walked into the kitchen, only to find Nate and his little annoying friend sitting at the counter. Nate gave me a small wave, while Louis smirked and looked away from me, as I opened the refrigerator door.

"How are you feeling, V?" Nate asked. I looked over my shoulder and glared at him, causing him to throw his hands up in surrender. "Sorry for asking. I'll just go talk to your brother."

As I heard him leave the room, I searched the fridge from something to eat. Nothing sounded remotely good and quite frankly, I didn't want to eat my brother's healthy shit. "I can drive you to go pick food up, if you'd like." British boy said, my forehead connecting with the door slowly. He just doesn't leave, does he?

"Why are you even here?" I groaned, slamming the door shut. "Shouldn't you be on a plane?"

"Shouldn't you be nicer to someone who drove your truck home?"

"You drove my f***ing truck?!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the counter hard, causing a glass of water to tip over. "Nobody drives, or touches my truck! Ever!"

"If you don't recall the events of last night, I saved your life." This bitch had the nerve to drive my truck, now he's going to sit there and act like some sort of savior?

"I'm still trying to figure out why you drove my truck."

"Is that all you care about? A stupid inanimate object that pollutes the environment?"

"Considering it was you that was driving, yes." I replied, as he stood up and slammed his hands against the counter as well. "Aw, did I make the short man lose his temper?"

"Do you gain pleasure from pissing people off?" I pretend to ponder over his words, only to nod my head quickly afterwards. "Wow, you are a bitch."

"Thank you." I smirked.

He scoffed, before walking out of the kitchen and towards the front door, escorting himself out by slamming the door shut behind him. Nate and Cameron entered the kitchen with crossed arms. "What? Got something to say?"

"Louis saved your life last night. You could've been a little nicer to him." Nate said, as I got in his face, our faces directly in front of each other's.

"What did the asshole even do that I should be so grateful about?"

"Just know that you wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for him."


What do you think happened?

Sorry it took so long! School and work and theater, yo.

snapchat: loganpoole28

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