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I opened my eyes carefully, the sun shinning through the blinds and lighting up the room. I stared up at the ceiling, my head pounding from my obvious hangover. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep, not wanting to do anything the entire day. I closed my eyes and rolled onto my side, cuddling up against the pillow.

Expect, it wasn't a pillow. In fact, the ceiling didn't even look like my own.

I opened my eyes slowly, only to find Louis laying beside me asleep. My eyes widened in terror, as I slowly lifted up the covers and noticed we were both completely naked. That's when I yelled, falling off the bed and taking the covers with me.

"What?" Louis mumbled quickly, his head shooting up from the pillow and looking around, panic in his eyes. "Vale?"

"This cannot be happening." I said, eyes still wide and my heart racing. I slept with the annoying British man last night. I f***ing had sex with Louis. "Oh my God." I groaned, as I quickly reached for my clothing.


"Don't even talk to me!" I hissed, slipping my shirt over my head and walking towards the mirror, noticing the many hickeys that were left. "Mention this to anyone and I will personally hunt you down and castrate you!" I snapped, slipping on my shoes and quickly exiting the hotel room.

By the time I reached my truck, my phone was ringing nonstop in my pocket. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed accept, not even caring to look at the Caller ID. "Where the hell are you?!" Cameron yelled, causing me to pull my phone from ear. "Nate said he couldn't find you anywhere last night, then you disappeared without telling him anything?!"

"Look, I've had a long night and I really could do without the lecture. I'll be home soon." With that, I hung up, tossing my phone onto the passenger seat.

When I got home, Cameron was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed against his chest. Adjusting my shirt, I walked passed him, my shoulder running into his. Once I was in the kitchen, I sat on one of the stools, the front door being slammed shut behind me. My brother appeared beside me, his nostrils flaring. "Mom raised you better than this!"

"Shut up."

"What happened to you?! The person in front of me is not my sister. I barely know this person!"

"Sorry to disappoint you."

"Mom would-"

"Mom is gone, okay?!" I screamed. There was a long pause. No one said anything. I took a deep breath.  "This is who I am, Cameron. Just accept it and move on." With that, I exited the kitchen and walked myself to my room, locking the door behind me.


Guess who's back? Me :)

This is super short. I know. But as my inspiration comes back, chapters will get longer.

Logan, x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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