Chapter 1

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                "We've known each other for years, this shouldn't be that hard" I think, as i'm getting ready for the last Hunger Games premiere.  A wave of  sadness rushes my body, and I get a slight chill. "This is it, this is the last one" I can't help but let out a tear. "This will be the last time Jen and I are going to be together".

We're all best friends, you know Liam, Jennifer, and I. We talk almost everyday while shooting the movies, and going on press tours, like we are right now. We've never not had something Hunger Games related in our lives, I'm not too sure i'm ready to move on from the thing that brought her into my life.

Suddenly my phone go off, It's Jen...

"Hey you!" I'm trying to hide that i've just been tearing up a little.

"Joshy! Today's the last day you know, and  I - I don't know how to handle all the emotions right now"She sobs to me, I can hear her voice cracking on the other end. This must not be as easy for her as I thought?

"Josh! are you there?! I've been up all night! At first it was the excitement for the final  one, we were finally going to see it through! "how exciting" I thought, then I started to really think about it Josh, and what happens if you and I lose touch? Is this really the END?" she's not to the point of full out crying.

"Jennifer" I whisper in a cool, calm voice. "Jen, this isn't going to be OUR last time together, it's just the end of an amazing franchise. You don't have to worry about anything! Get ready, and i'll see you there in half an hour. Don't worry about anything." I don't know who i'm trying to convince more, her of myself?

"you're right Josh. i'm being so silly, why would this be the last time we talk. We're BEST - Friends. Sorry about all of that, it just all hits at once you know?" Her voice is going back to normal, I can tell she's feeling better about all of this.

"I know Jen, but you have nothing to worry about at all!" it almost pains me to lie, I know things won't be the same once it's over. 

"I'll see you soon, love you Josh! You're the best" I hear the phone die on the other end. "What am I going to do?" My stomach is in knots, at the thought. "I can't tell her how I really feel, I mean I still have Claudia in my life. She just ended it with her last boyfriend, Chris.. I think his name was? Still this would be a lot for anyone to take in. "Joshifer finally together?" I can see the headlines now. Jen always talks about how she dislikes not having a privet life, and this would just give them more reason to not give her one." 

I can't do that to her, she means too much to me. 

There's a knock on my door, and I turn to see the door already opening. It's Claudia. I forgot she had told me she wanted to come to the finial Premiere, how could I forget about my own girlfriend coming all this way to see. She looks are me puzzled "Josh, why are you standing in your boxers? The premiere starts in half an hour silly! You need to get dressed!" her voice is smooth, and calm. She starts to walk over towards me, i'm still standing in front of her facing the window of the apartment. I feel her warm arms wrap about my body, her body now pressed against my back. Little kisses start to appear... It's nice to feel the comfort of her here. 

I turn to face her, we don't break contact. Finally our lips touch she's always had the softest lips, but I can"t help to think about Jen, and how I wish this were her. I suddenly pull away, and look at her. "you're right, I have to go get ready." placing my hand on the suit laying on the bed. "I'll meet you downstairs in 20?" I whisper, while kissing her. "okay, see you soon" she lets out in between the last few kisses. 

I watch her leave, I collapse on the bed right as I see the door shut. "Josh, what am I going to do with you" I think to myself, shaking my head. 

It takes me about 15 minutes to get myself together. This bathroom is probably one of the coolest bathrooms I've ever seen. The floor and wall tile is all black, with a giant mirror with those neat fashion show type lights all around. I've never been one for interior design, but this was actually pretty neat to see. 

Another five minutes pass before I finally make it down to the lobby, I see a bunch of fans waiting for me to make an appearance. I give them a quick wave, and smile before being whisked away by my body guard. Due to the abundance of people waiting outside, we have to sneak off to the underground parking which will lead us out.

As I open the door to the SUV, I hear Claudia's voice "Joshy-y! we've been waiting for you!" She grabs my hand, and pulls me next to her, our fingers intertwine as we drive out of the hotel parking garage, and on our way to the premiere.

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