Chapter 5

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[Warning Before you read] There is graphic content in this chapter, I'd rate is PG-16 (if that's even a rating) But you have been warned before reading! [Warning Before you read]


The room is lit with candles everywhere, there's a bed in the corner also a few couches and tables. This place is more than just a warehouse, it looks as if it was once an apartment long ago.

"Jen?.." she's now out of sight. As I start to look around, I don'y notice anything unusual. I mean, it's unusual for her to be here right now, or ever. Nothing that would make me worry for her. Why did she bring me here? And where is she now?

"Jen? where are you?" I'm almost yelling now. "I'll be out in a minute Josh!" Finally! I think, she's okay and will be our to see me soon. "Just sit on the couch for now!"

I do as she says and wait on the couch. For being in an old warehouse it's honestly not too bad, I could almost nap on it. I take in my scenery as I wait for Jen to come out. It's defiantly an old loft, or condo of some sort. I notice large windows all along the wall with large thick navy blue drapes hanging from them. Over in the corner is the bed I noticed earlier, across from the bed there's a little night stand. The couches look to be in a living area, which is also connected to the dinning/kitchen area. It's actually a very lovely place for it's age.

Just as I finish my examination of the place, I see a silhouette emerge from the bathroom. I can't keep my eyes off as her, as she slowly walks towards me. She's so beautiful, the candle light bouncing off her body. She's wearing a large black see though button up shirt that starts to hang off her shoulder as she walks closer and closer to me. I notice she has nothing else on but a matching bra, and panties.

I go to speak, but she places her finger over my lips signalling me to stay quiet. She places herself on top on my lap in a straddling position, moving the finger from my lips now tracing the outline of my jaw. "Josh, I need to feel something real for once. I know we're real I can feel it when we touch. When we ki..s." I pull her towards me just as she's about to finish her last words and start kissing her. We've kissed before, this time it was different. Very different, even compared to back in the stairwell, this time we're able to be together the way we should be. The little sparks we might have had before has now turned into a roaring fire of passion, and lust.

Her lips make her way down my neck, while her hands pull my shirt off my body. I do that same, as I slip what little clothing she had on off her beautiful skin, kissing every part making sure not to leave anywhere untouched. I then lift her into my arms while still feeling her soft lips against mine, and bring her to the bed. Gently laying her down underneath me, as she starts to tug on my belt.

"I want you, Josh. I always have" she moans in my ear. That's when I pin her arms back while kissing her, and trust my body into hers, we both let out a moan of pleasure. We look at each other, and smile before continuing to embrace each other. This is what we've been waiting for, we're finally able to be together.

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