Chapter 4

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"Oh!, I'm so sorry! I promise, I didn't see anything!" I look over to see Willow covering her eyes with her hand. "I was just looking for Josh, everyone is wondering where you are? Especially Claudia. Did you want me to tell her you'll be back in a minute?" she's now facing the both of us. 

"Uhh, Ya! That fine, i'll be in, in a moment! " a concerned look washed over my face, I can se Willows mirroring it back to me. "Don't worry you guys, I won't say anything" she says again, in a more reassuring tone. "Thank you Willow, see you soon"

We both watch her leave the room, Jen still clutched onto me. He finger nails are gently digging into my back, I can tell she's worried this is going to get out. I won't let that happen to her. 

"Josh, I can't have everyone knowing about what happened here tonight. There's too much at stake for me, and my future. Too many people count on me everyday. My family counts on me. I signed that contract, they're able to take everything away from me." her whole body shakes, as I gently hold her body to mine. "Don't worry Jen, no one will find out. We'll figure this out" she looks up to me, and as the last few words slip off my tongue ..I feel her lips pressed against mine. It feels so right.

She pulls away from me, her eyes are now focus on mine. "Josh, I can't.." she's now standing and heading towards the exit. "Jen! wait! ..." I call out to her, but it's too late... she's already gone, and Claudia is waiting for me. 

As I enter the room, I noticed I missed the whole showing of the movie. Didn't feel like we were gone for that long. My head is swimming with thoughts about Jen, about us . I need to find out who  is keeping us apart, and the more important question...why?  This is the only way Jen and I will ever have a relationship together. Claudia's hands wrap around me, and I can feel her hugging me from behind. "What happened to you Josh? You gone the whole movie?" She doesn't sound worried, but just a harmless question being asked by my loving girlfriend. "I was having a hard time with the thought of the trio not being together anymore, and she helped talk me through it."  she's now facing me, and I feel her lips kiss me. It's not the same feeling as before, she mine as well be kissing a rock at this point. 

"You know Joshy, you could have talked to me about it! That's why I'm here babe. I'm always here for you!" her arms wrapped around me like a blanket, she's trying. "I know, Let's go home"

After the Premiere I kept to myself, working on small projects with young adults that want to become screen writers. Claudia and I still together, she's off working on her new album. I think about Jen, almost everyday. I dream about us being together, they're so vivid. We haven't talked since that night in the stairwell. I almost thought she had written me off for good until one night around midnight I believe I get a phone call. "Josh?!" there's a hint of distress in her voice. I immediately get up from bed, my phone now glued to my ear. "Jen..?! Are you okay?"

"Josh! I need you to come here, right now. " she's whispering now, but the urgency still trickles from each word. This isn't like Jen, I've never heard her like this before. I mean only when acting, but this is real and she needs me. "Jen, where are you?! What's wrong?" i'm trying to get my clothes on, as I listen for more detail in whats happening to her. 

"Josh, i'm ...." Dial tone starts ringing in my ear.. 

What just happened? I try calling her again. No answer. I try three more times with the same results. I'm about to call the police, until I feel my phone buzz. It's a text from her. She was able to send me the location of where she is. Along with it is a message "Come A.S.A.P, Can't talk. Hurry."

Speeding down the highway to get to this mysterious place. So many thoughts go through my mind. What if she's hurt? What if someone is there? Will I be able to save her? I have too, this is my time she needs me.

As I pull up to the location, I recognize the the building. This is an old warehouse, I used to pass it all the time while driving, never thought anyone actually used that place? Why is Jen in there, and is she alone? As I walk up to the gate I notice on the second floor there are some lights flickering? This is all so strange, but Jen is in there and I need to go find her. 

The warehouse has clearly not been used in years, the amount of dust piled up on old desks and chairs is ridiculous. Everything is quiet, until I reach the second floor, there's a soft touch of music playing. Was she on a date here, and it went horribly wrong? Now she needs my help? Either way, I make my way down the hall until I reach the the room with the lights.

Slowly I open the door it creeks as I push it open, and I see her. 

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