Chapter 19

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I was lying on my back with my eyes closed. You know those moments when you're awake, but you remain lying there with your eyes still closed just to enjoy the moment? Well, I was definitely enjoying this moment!

I felt the weight that was on my stomach, which I assumed was Camila's arm, leaving its place and I jumped a little bit inside when I felt her fingertips brushing the side of my face. I knew now that Camila was awake and I could swear that she was staring at me.

"I know that you're not sleeping." She whispered next to me. "You have your cute little smirk on the corner of your lips." She said, removing her hand from my face and letting it go to its previous position, on my stomach.

"You got me all figured out." I responded with my sleepy voice, slowly opening my eyes.

Indeed, she was looking at me. Her body was on its side, her head a few inches from mine. Even though she had just woken up, with her messy hair and the mark of her pillow on her cheek, she was still the really first thing that I wanted to see in the morning.

"I love you." I said as I placed my hand behind her neck and moved closer to her. "And Happy birthday."

"I love you too." The brunette responded, closing the gap between our lips.

I didn't just love her, I was in love with her. I had girlfriends before and girls who I was hanging out with, but I never was truly and deeply in love with someone. Nobody was able to make me smile the way that she was making me, even Aria. I liked Aria, I cared about her and I still do, but Camila was on a whole other level.

"Lauren?" Camila asked with a suspicious, but seductive tone.

"Hm?" I mumbled as I put my hand on hers and started to play with her fingers.

"You should have told me." She simply said. "About Dinah, about all of this." She added, brushing my cheek with her fingertips with her other hand.

"I didn't want you to be involved in this... That's a big fail." I responded, with honesty.

It actually was a big fail, but she laughed and changed her voice tone.

"Lauren?" Camila repeated with a really cute baby voice.

"Hm?" I mumbled again.

"Do you know what is even better than having sex?" The brunette asked, her gaze traveling from my lips to my eyes.

"Having sex with you?" I responded, putting emphasis on the last word. I turned on my side to be able to face her, without disconnecting our hands.

Camila slowly approached my ear and waited a few seconds before talking. "Having morning sex." She said before she placed a long, but soft kiss below my ear.

The effect that this girl had on me wasn't even making sense. A simple touch of hers and I was already lost somewhere in another universe. As much as I wanted to stay calm, it wasn't possible, my heart wasn't allowing this.

Camila suddenly positioned herself on my lap and the simple touch of her body on mine made me shiver. "My turn." She said before she hungrily kissed my lips, her hands traveling all over my body. A moan escaped my lips when she started to move her hips in a really slow motion.

"Lauren!" I heard someone whispered my name. "Lauren, for God's sake, you better be awake and dressed because I'm coming. You're freaking late!" The voice added, making me realize that it wasn't Camila talking, but Aria who was on the other side of the door.

"Shit." I said, placing my hands on Camila's arms to make sure that they weren't doing anything anymore. "What time is it?"

The younger one didn't seem to understand what was happening and looked at me with a confused expression.

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