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"You wanna hear another story eh? Fine but this time I'm not gonna tell you about Vault Hunters. I'm gonna tell you about two morons that were born and raised in different parts of the galaxy. There names were Travis and Evi. Travis was born on Pandora's moon Elpis but was kidnapped by Handsome Jack and his employees because he was some bullshit chosen one. He managed to escape Hyperion's clutches and take an escape pod to Pandora where he then lived peacefully in Sanctuary for another year before he met Evi. Now Evi was born and raised in Sanctuary and was destined to be a vault hunter following in her father's footsteps. But that all changed when she met Travis. Oh jeez I'm getting ahead of myself let me start at when they first met in the great city of Sanctuary."

Borderlands: The Travis And Evi ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now