Chapter 4: Just Another Day

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It was around 12 O'Clock when they left Evi's house. Travis said to Evi "Wow your dad is cool as hell!"
"Thanks but he can be an ass sometimes."
Jason piped in with a "Who isn't?"
The trio walked through Sanctuary making various stops before eventually reaching Moxxi's bar. The three stepped in and everyone looked at them and raised their glasses and shouted "EVI!"
Travis and Jason were confused at the amount of attention that been attracted to Evi simply because she walked in. Travis whispered to Evi "Um why is every guy in here happy to see you? Are you like a whore or something?" Travis said that last part with a sarcastic tone. Evi punched him in the arm and said to him, "No dumbass, Im the only girl in Sanctuary that kicked everyone's ass in here at least once." Travis breathed a sigh of relief as he was informed that his new friend wouldn't fuck every guy they see. Travis and Evi sat down in a booth while Jason walked towards the slot machines. Evi yelled towards Moxxi, "HEY MOXXI! GIVE ME THE USUAL AND A BEER FOR THIS GUY!" Moxxi walked over to the table with a glowing drink and a normal mug of beer. "What the hell is that?!" Travis said in disgust.
"Its one of Moxxi's signature drinks."
Evi chugged down the drink and started to stutter. She was clearly drunk off her ass. Travis three her over his shoulder and grabbed Jason. A few hours later Evi woke up feeling sick. "Oh you're finally awake." Jason said eating a sandwich. "Where's Travis?" She asked half asleep.
"He's in his room."
Evi walked up and walked into Travis's room. She saw Travis laying on the bed reading a book titled "Pandora's Vault Hunters"
"Hey Travis." Evi said calmly.
"You're finally awake damn you slept for a while."
"I'm sorry I usually don't get drunk but it was a special occasion. Getting drunk with my new friends!"
The pair laughed as Travis read a page on Evi's dad.
"Hey is that my dad?"
"Yeah it tells about how he killed Cariche The Demon Commander with the Firehawk."
"I remember when he came home from that. I was only 4 when that happened. That was the day he lost his hand." She laughed at the memory of all the handless jokes he made. She then looked at Travis and he returned the gaze. Travis kissed Evi out of nowhere and Evi returned it. They broke apart and Evi looked away. Travis scratched the back of his neck as the awkwardness filled the room and their faces turned red. Evi said nervously to Travis "So that happened. So um what is this gonna be?
"What do you want it to be?"
Evi smiled at him and kissed him.
Jason walked in and shouted, "Woah oh oh look at the hot new couple."
Travis got up and lightly punched Jason's arm.
"What time is it?" Travis asked Jason.
"Ok let's head to bed." Travis said to both of them.
"I'll take the couch so I don't get in the way of you two." He said jokingly.
"Night Jason."
The night was perfect with Evi curled up against Travis and Jason slept peacefully on the couch. That was also the night that Cariche's army attacked.

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