Chapter 1: A Dire Circumstance

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The night was still. These two travelers had to traverse silently throughout enemy territory without an inconspicuous air, just in case they were mistaken for intruders.
This territory was new to them. The she-cat never knew there was such a large sycamore tree here, and she was amazed at the fireflies that tickled at her nose. She was staring at the height of the tree when she bumped into the tom in front of her.

"Do you know where the camp is?" He whispered.
"I can hardly remember." The she-cat shook her head.
The tom nodded. His moon-like eyes gleamed, "I think I can smell them anyway. We must be close."

There were many trees ahead. The she-cat, a deputy, thought that only the woods held the only group of trees in this entire territory. She thought the rest were just meadows. As the two were arriving, she spotted a cave- one she had heard stories about- and she knew that this was it.
"We're here."

The two visitors almost made it through the entrance of the sleeping camp when a dark figure leapt out at them. The she-cat saw teeth flash silver, and hazel-green eyes burn into hers, as she dodged this body and slipped to the side, fur rising.
She did not think these warriors would be so hostile! Or have guards out at night.

Suddenly a second figure emerged from the shadows to face the visitors, its canines glistening within its snarl. The she-cat, understanding that her companion could not fight, leapt to his side and crouched, ears back. 

"Intruders!" The hazel-eyed monstress yowled, while the second figure leapt like a dark blur towards the male visitor, pinning him with muscular fore-legs. The deputy stayed still. She did not want to appear hostile. Instead, she eyed the second dark figure, a tom, whose pelt was bristling and whose eyes were keeping her frozen in place.

As many warriors began to stream from their dens, tails lashing and mouths curling, the she-cat visitor yowled, "Stop! I- I come bearing a message. Please, calm your guards."

This Clan's mighty leader, Bigstar, strode up on her long legs. She glared down at the yowling she-cat with tired eyes, flicking an ear passively and gesturing for the hazel-eyed warrior to leap off of the grey tom she pinned. "Juniperflower, Cloudfeather, I thank you. Your vigil was a success, as I see you were quick to defend our camp," the leader then sighed, "but I fear these cats are no culprits. What is your message, Frostbone?"

Frostbone glanced at Sootleaf who nodded and began relaying to Bigstar a long message. He went on about his dreams, the shatters of the crystal that connected the Clans to the Sliced Hill, until a cat interrupted him.
"Perhaps it is better for us to speak privately?" Sunspots mewed, yawning, then continuing, "So I may assess this..."

"No," Sootleaf growled uncharacteristically towards his old friend, "This concerns your whole Clan. It concerns every Clan," and he continued impatiently about how SandClan should willingly give up two cats to follow the lost shards down a stream in RockClan territory, return them, and restore connection with StarClan.

There was a lingering silence. A few cats broke the silence by snickering. Bigstar beckoned Sunspots away from the two visitors to discuss, leaving Frostbone and Sootleaf to be surrounded by SandClanners. They all spoke to one another curiously, imprisoning the two VenomClanners in their tight circle.
The BirdClan warriors present were wise to stay asleep or hidden in their dens. VenomClan was not supposed to know about their pact. In fact, Frostbone saw them and simply considered them to be other SandClan warriors, tired and preferring to sleep than greet her.

"I'm VenomClan!" Frostbone heard a small voice yowl. She whipped her head around and saw three small cats, one ginger, one brown, and one white. The ginger one pretended to be a VenomClan warrior while another kit yowled, "SandClan will always win against you!"
Frostbone glanced away, flicking her tail.

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