Chapter 5: What is Left

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Whitedust pelted ahead, knowing that her group needed to hurry. Her paws impacted hard on the rocky ground, but because she was a RockClan warrior, she was used to it. She heard the thundering pawsteps of her companions behind her, following her, eyes glaring at the moon that was only partly visible tonight.

She was the only member of RockClan to leave. When Frostbone and Sootleaf climbed up to the camp, Sunfall was one of the cats to greet them. Sunfall preached that Sootleaf was a liar and half of RockClan believed him. The other half either supported Tigerleap, who wanted to ally with VenomClan, or just did not want to listen to a maddened tom.
And Sunfall and Tigerleap, in their own ways, were maddened.

Whitedust had to sneak out in the dead of night. Her Clan would know where she went. She was not worried about any of them missing her. 

Raindrops splashed off the ground and sprayed Whitedust's face as she ran. It was a heavy downpour, and the rain soaked through her pelt and was chilling to the bone. The rain dripped into her mouth and hung her whiskers.
Whitedust turned and found her party vanishing through the mist.

She let her party catch up with her.
"Is anything wrong?" Dogheart skidded up, stopping beside the RockClan warrior.
Whitedust lashed her tail, "The stream. This stream, that comes off the waterfall of RockClan territory. Didn't Frostbone mention she threw the shards there-"
"She trespassed?" Bloodfang murmured, impressed.
Whitedust continued, "Shouldn't we follow that?"

"It's flooding right now," Woodknot mewed, soaked with rain, "and aren't we meant to be following the moon? Shouldn't we wait until the rain stops? The moon's covered by clouds now and I can hardly see anything."

"Well the crystals would obviously be in the stream if she put them there," Whitedust snapped. But then she calmed down and mewed, "And you're right, maybe we should rest. There's a cliff right up ahead from here and it would be impossible to climb down in this rain."

"But it's clearing," Bloodfang argued, glancing at the sky now. The moon was out, for a little while.
"Oh it's clear for a second, mouse-brain," Brackenshade snapped at the enemy Clan member, "but the rain needs to stop. Unless you want to fall off a massive cliff?"
"I want to see this "cliff" with my own eyes."
"You can't in this rain!"

Whitedust mewed past the rain, "I can show you! Just be careful. We can rest next to the cliff, then in the morning, descend it. I'm sure that's where the moon is leading us."

She led them on through the rain. Their pelts were cold and clinging to their bones. As Whitedust hurried to where she was confident the cliff was, the sky began to open up. She saw the moon and a mist created by the rain and the warmth of the canyon stones, and the mist dipped and collected further towards the horizon. The cliff! It must be there.

The RockClan warrior followed the mist until it grew cold and she knew that one more step would result in her doom. The rain was lesser here, and clouds were breaking, but the mist was too thick to see past. She lost her own paws.
"Careful," she mewed as cats began to approach.
"Careful!" Whitedust yowled as the weak and clumsy OakClan warrior who went along went a little too close to the edge- Brackenshade had to bite into his scruff and yank him from his death.

"I told you." she muttered, "And another thing I tell you- the stream, it goes down this cliff. So if we cannot see the moon, we can follow the stream." Whitedust mewed matter-of-factly.

Leanclaws from OakClan gawked at the mists and he leaned over the edge again, this time carefully. Slashingclaw and Brackenshade glared at him to make sure he didn't slip, but his paws were steady. The mist was a glowing silver as the moon's light reflected off it. It was eerie and blinding, and Leanclaws' green eyes were glowing from staring at it.

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