Judge & Jury

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//I haven't updated in so long, holy crap. I made this one super long to make up for it but damn, I'm so sorry. ANYWAY! Pay attention to those warnings, I am doing them to warn you so don't be mad when you don't like the outcome :) ps. don't hate meeee 

6K words

Song Inspiration: Born To Die -Lana Del Rey//

Harry doesn't remember much of when they got home; he swears he saw flashing lights but the car swerved. His head bashed against the window in a flickered moment; his vision blurry, the sound distant.

He was slipping silently away. "Harry!", his eyes shot open at his name being called. "Oh my—are you okay? Shit." Harry couldn't think straight, his mind went askew from the commotion. He lolled his head back and forth until the darkness trained over his eyes to consume him.


Harry doesn't remember much.

Harry doesn't remember.


Harry never remembers.


He woke up with a jolt and an eye twitch.

Harry was snuggled onto a little bed and swaddled in soft cloth blankets. "You 'wake?" Harry flopped off of the bed with a great force. His face gripped the ground as he was met with itchy carpet, "Jesus Christ, it's just me Haz. Sorry to scare you, here 'lemme help you." Louis lifted him of the floor and kissed his forehead. Harry was beyond confused, he wasn't in Louis' house; no it's our house, of course. Louis laid him onto the bed once more,

"I woke your adorable butt up, go back to bed. I have business to take care of anyway."

That silently stuck a cord with Harry, if he remembers anything it's that Louis always says that line. "I had some business." "just business." "I was busy with business."

It's like a light was lit before him and all his built up anger bursted forward.

"What's business?" Harry's eyes were blazing in forest green.

"Why does it matter love?", Louis began to busy himself with finding a shirt in his suitcase.

"Because I'm fucking tired, okay? I'm done with going along with all of these antics! I watched you kill someone! I-I have no freedom, yo-you don't love me. I don't know much about love but I know that it isn't kidnapping, threatening, abusing, and neglecting the person you 'claim' to love. I will ask you questions and you will answer." Harry's voice cracked and he wrenched out a sob.

Louis was angered, beyond belief, but he couldn't bare seeing Harry so broken. He couldn't bare knowing that this was all his fault, it always seemed to be his fault. He placed himself next to Harry's shaking body and reached out to comfort him.

Harry jerked away, Louis knows he heard his own dead heart snap.

"I-I do love you, I really do." Louis pleaded, but Harry just sobbed harder. Louis felt his own tears progressing, he knew this wasn't normal.

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