My Wattpad days are done

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Hello, everyone if you're still following this thing after oof how many years has it been? Four? 

I logged back in and realized something, I don't like Wattpad, I haven't for a very long time. I don't like their censorship and restrictions. I've been on Archive Of Our Own for some years now and honestly? It's where I'll be continuing to write. This story, however, was cancelled a long time ago. It's horribly written and just cheesy in general. 

If you want to see more of my work, my Ao3 account is called WritingForLouis (now changed too: helookscute) I'll have some new pieces uploaded by the end of this year and there are some pieces on there that have never seen the light of day on Wattpad. Ao3 allows for me to make content that is mature and not censored, I can create content that I feel proud of and not have to restrict my creativity. 

Wattpad will be deleting my fanfiction soon anyway so if you want to still see them, Ao3 is where I'm at. 

(I also am apart of the voltron fandom and have some klance fanfiction in the works ~) 

Wattpad was what inspired me to write when I was very young. I have a fiancee now and I'm just the happiest I've ever been. I don't need this anymore, I've outgrown this community, as welcoming as it once was. (I'll leave a little explanation of what the ending of this fic was supposed to be, seeing as their was only one more chapter left to go: Basically Harry and Louis attempt to escape but Liam chases them down, has a heart to heart with Harry and tries to convince him to stay, he has a gun on Louis btw, Harry "agrees" and says that he's convinced and that he truly loved Liam all along, Harry goes in to kiss Liam (meanwhile Louis is screaming and crying) then Harry grabs Liams gun and shoots him in the leg,, ect ect they escape, Zayn tries to kill Harry but Louis kills Zayn ect ect their free and they move to Peru and live happily ever after, then after 6 years they send a book with a letter to Liam and that book is titled "Murder He Wrote" aka this book) 

Thank you all for this crazy and weird journey, I'll never forget it. 

Signing off, for the last time,

L.A King 

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