Chapter 9

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I moaned in anguish as I watched the blonde, Lilly, wrap her arms around my brother. He let her, he accepted her.

Why? She could betray him. Why does he accept everyone else, but turns away from me his sister, his twin.

I felt my wolf howl out her pain in my mind as something snapped and everything fell away into darkness.


Of course Alec would turn his back on you. You're a monster. What would Alec want with a monster of a sister when he has a perfectly sane mate? You embarrass him and you have the audacity to try to stake a claim on him. Who gave you the right? You are just a damaged girl covered in scars who has lost her mind. It's no reason Alec turned away when you attack everyone who comes near you. Even your mate wouldn't want you. You are a disgrace to all Luna's. Trying to kill your mate you should be ashamed. Now, he will replace you.

These negative thoughts filled my mind in the dark. I had tried to deny it, tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. It was the only thing I could hear, the only sound in this empty darkness.

He was much happier before. Before you guys were taken. Why don't you go back. Go back to the you, who knew nothing of the harshness of the world. Maybe then your baby brother would love you again. Toss away your memories. Strip away your armor from your heart. Become the Anita that Alec had once known.


I slowly became aware of my surroundings. I could feel the air on my skin and someone was holding both my hands. Two scents filled the air. 

One was familiar and I would know that smile summoning scent anywhere.

The other was unfamiliar, but mouth-watering. Like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

My hand twitched with the desire to grab a hold of that scent and stuff it into my mouth, if it were possible.

"I think her hand twitched," I heard Alec whisper, but who was he talking to?

"Anita?" someone else called. I didn't recognize that voice, but it was rich and nice to listen to. In fact I could listen to it all day. It was just that soothing.

"Ani? Can you hear me?" Alec asked.

I blinked my eyes open and the first thing I saw was stormy grey eyes surrounded by long black lashes on a handsome face. His hair was platinum blonde and glowed white at the edges in the light above. His tense shoulders seemed to relax in relief.

I looked at Alex and was stunned slightly by the person in front of me. He was almost unrecognizable. He seemed...bigger. Older. He looked like a mature and older version of my 3 minute younger 10 year old brother.

How did he grow so fast?

I beamed up at him, "Ali!"

His familiar green eyes widened in shock and then became wary, "How are you feeling, Anita?"

I smiled at him, curiously, "What? I feel fine."

I sat up and wrapped my arms around his shoulder, "What happened to you, Ali? You look bigger. Oh! Did you drink that potion from Alice in Wonderland that made Alice grow? I knew it was real." I smirked in triumph.

He stared at me in confusion, "Anita, you seem to be acting strange."

I smiled, "Your the one acting strange," I looked around the unfamiliar room, "Ali, where are we?"

"Your in the infirmary at my pack house," someone said, behind me.

I turned around and looked at the man behind me.

He  had dark brown hair and grey eyes. He was very handsome.

I blushed and smiled at him as I giggled, "You look like a prince, mister."

His eyes widened and he looked at my brother.

Ali and the prince exchanged looks and two people walked in; one in a lab coat and the other with brown hair and hazel eyes. A wave of fury came across me and I felt threatened. I growled at the hazel eyed boy and wrapped my arms around Ali.

The guy stiffened in his place along with the doctor.

"My name is Lance," said the prince, I looked at him as he gestured to the two intruders, "that is my pack doctor, David, and my beta, Mace."

I glared at Mace and relaxed slowly.

Ali leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Mace is my mate."

I grimaced at that. For some reason, I didn't want my brother to have a mate. I felt a weird territorial feeling when it came to him, that I didn't understand. I was always protective of my brother, but its become weird now.

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